Thank You

By: Ethan Cundiff
What is a Veteran?
Someone who has stepped up,
Someone who has put others before them,
Someone who has served or who is serving this country,
Thank them.
They sacrificed their lives to keep us safe,
We are free because of them,
We owe them a thanks,
If you see a veteran someday in their uniform,
Someone who has served us all,
Who has sacrificed himself for our freedom,
Who has answered the call,
Thank them.
These people should be celebrities,
They compare to no one,
We’re grateful for what they have done,
Thank them.
When America was in urgent need,
We looked to them for help,
They fought for our freedom,
Thank them.
Some are with us,
Some are not,
We look up to those,
Who have served for this country,
Who has made this country great,
We thank them.
These people are the real heros,
They deserve respect,
They are truly great,
Thank You Veterans.
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