Oak Hills' Scott Squad

by Ethan Cundiff
Here at Oak Hills, there are special types of students. Ones who not only strive for greatness in the classroom, but who strive to drive school spirit into everyone’s heart. These students want to show the community, city, even the whole state of Ohio who has the most school spirit. Everyday, these students show their fellow peers what spirit is about. They want everyday to be a game day, whether it’s football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, swimming, baseball, or bowling. They simply want to show support to all students and show pride for their school. These students are part of a special team. These students are the Oak Hills Scot Squad.
Scot Squad consist of 6 proud, cheerful seniors. They target alumni, current, and future students by getting each section involved. The six members of the Scot Squad are Jack Balterzen, Ethan Cundiff, Brett Kron, Matt Murphy, Ben Schapker, and Brad Weidner. These six students want to leave a legacy as the Class of 2017 and to be an example of what school pride is all about.
When asked why he wanted to be a part of Scot Squad, Brett Kron explained, ¨I joined Scot Squad because I love Oak Hills. I know what our past was like (which was phenomenal) and I’ve seen how parts of it have declined, such as school spirit. I saw Scot Squad as my opportunity to try and change that aspect and boost our school spirit. Oak Hills is an amazing school in both the academic and the athletic realm. More people need to realize that. The sooner people realize that the more successful we will be.¨
This group wants to set an example for what Oak Hills spirit should look like in the future. The ideas and cheers that they bring in just spark the excitement. However, the Red Sea doesn’t stand because of these six guys, it is boosted by all other students. When the underclassmen see all the seniors show their school spirit, it makes them want to join the crowd and spread the Red and Black pride.
The group wants to show not only the students and teachers, but also the community that Oak Hills is filled with pride. ¨Scot Squad’s goal is to revitalize the culture at Oak Hills and build pride in the school. By showing school spirit and attending sports, plays, and events we hope to improve the school’s pride. We want to be the leaders, but we are willing to accept opinions,¨ explained Wiedner.
These six students want everyone to join them in attending as many games they are able to. When the students pack the stands and form the Red Sea as big as they can it does a lot for the team who’s playing. It shows the team that they aren’t alone and have full support from the school and that’s the Scot Squad’s goal.
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