Oak Hills Girls Lacrosse: One Step Closer
By: Sydni Crass
After multiple years of hard work and dedication, freshman Olivia Lang and sophomore Athena Caneris have been able to secure 17 girls for a potential women’s lacrosse team at Oak Hills High School. They are in need of at least five more girls willing to dedicate their time to the game for a team to be sanctioned.
The proposal for a team has been sent, and a head coach has been found; however, his or her identity has not been publically released. The team is still in need of assistant coaches to help the head coach with coaching responsibilities.
Lang explained that “because lacrosse is an Ohio sanctioned sport, a lacrosse club may not be started,” meaning that in order for a women’s lacrosse team to be successful, Lang and Caneris need the number of potential players to be big this year.
Eight week lacrosse clinics are available at River’s Edge Indoor Sports for any girl needing to master the fundamental lacrosse skills. The next session begins January 8th, costs $65 and holds practices on Sundays from 3:30-4:30. Any girl interested in playing lacrosse for Oak Hills should contact Olivia Lang at [email protected].
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