Blog Entries - September 2016

The Oak Hills Color Guard
By: Abby Kromme This year, Oak Hills High School has introduced a new and exciting addition to the halftime show: The Color Guard. These athletes dance along side of the Oakettes and Majorettes to the powerful music of the Marching Band. The
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Oak Hills Girls Lacrosse? Possibly
By: Sydni Crass You would think trying to establish a sports team for your high school would be difficult, right? Not for current freshman Olivia Lang. As a student at Rapid Run Middle School, she played volleyball, basketball, and lacrosse. She was
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OHHS German Exchange Program
By: Alli Auel Miles, language, and cultural differences sometimes make us feel worlds apart from one another. However, when you welcome an international high school exchange student into your home for weeks, months, maybe even years, you quickly discover
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2016 Homecoming Court
Back Row: Brad Weidner, Sam Bepler, Ben Schapker, Ryan Batte, Jared Cox, Matthew Murphy, Howie Zade, Kyle Montag Front Row: Morgan Beare, Hannah Welling, Elizabeth Hoffman, Haley Cox, Gabi Lepof, Mikaely
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