Blog Entries - 2016

Shanty Town
By: Abby Kromme Each year, Oak Hills’ National Honor Society hosts an event to raise awareness for the poverty and homelessness that countless people experience daily. For the past two years, the NHS president has rounded up a crew to execute this
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By: Hannah Welling The smell of coffee in the mornings fills the hallways of Oak Hills. But why do we feel the need to drink it day after day? I asked students this very question. Many claimed they drink coffee in the morning to stay awake
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By: Sydni Crass After multiple years of hard work and dedication, freshman Olivia Lang and sophomore Athena Caneris have been able to secure 17 girls for a potential women’s lacrosse team at Oak Hills High School. They are in need of at least
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By: Brenna McDermott Many Oak Hills students are very stressed, but have little to no knowledge about how to manage that stress. Seniors are stressed because of scholarships, applying to colleges, and keeping up with seven classes. Juniors are
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By: Jocelyn Collett The Thanksgiving day football games – This year there are only three games: Vikings v.s. Lions @12:30 pm, Redskins v.s. Cowboys @4:30 pm, Steelers v.s. Colts @ 8:30 pm. The fabulous food your family prepares for you
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By Alli Auel Everyone knows that the college application process can be a struggle, but figuring out how to tackle paying for college can be a lot worse. For most, scholarships are extremely helpful in making a dent in the hefty college tuition bill. Here
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Thank You
By: Ethan Cundiff What is a Veteran? Someone who has stepped up, Someone who has put others before them, Someone who has served or who is serving this country, Thank them. They sacrificed their lives to keep us safe, We are free because of them, We
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By: Abby Dye When we were little, our parents gave us a bedtime of 9:00 p.m. As we grew older, our bedtime got later and later; now many of us go to bed after midnight and wake up at 5:00 a.m. for school. Though many parents and teachers
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Back to Back Champs
By: Ethan Cundiff At the start of the season, the program had many concerns: coming in with a new head coach, Kevin Spraul, and losing multiple Division I players. Surprisingly, it didn’t affect the Highlanders much at all because
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By: Jocelyn Collett When walking into Mrs. Thompson’s first bell, the first thing you’ll see is a bunch of guys sitting around with a binder open, staring. What you may not realize is they are all reading music. Mrs.
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National Merit Scholarships for Class of 2017
By: Hannah Welling The National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced its annual list of National Merit Semifinalists, recognizing four seniors at Oak Hills High School. National Merit Semifinalists make up the top one percent of PSAT test takers in the
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By: Brenna McDermott Cool Classes to Check Out We all know the struggle of having to pick out classes and not knowing what to take. Advanced Speech and Performance is always a great choice because you can perform a part of speech and
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Homework Overload
By: Abby Dye Finally, you get home after six hours of school, then you realize you have to work today from 4-9 PM. Right after work, you dig into your backpack and pull your Chromebook out to see the list of assignments
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The Oak Hills Color Guard
By: Abby Kromme This year, Oak Hills High School has introduced a new and exciting addition to the halftime show: The Color Guard. These athletes dance along side of the Oakettes and Majorettes to the powerful music of the Marching Band. The
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Oak Hills Girls Lacrosse? Possibly
By: Sydni Crass You would think trying to establish a sports team for your high school would be difficult, right? Not for current freshman Olivia Lang. As a student at Rapid Run Middle School, she played volleyball, basketball, and lacrosse. She was
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OHHS German Exchange Program
By: Alli Auel Miles, language, and cultural differences sometimes make us feel worlds apart from one another. However, when you welcome an international high school exchange student into your home for weeks, months, maybe even years, you quickly discover
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2016 Homecoming Court
Back Row: Brad Weidner, Sam Bepler, Ben Schapker, Ryan Batte, Jared Cox, Matthew Murphy, Howie Zade, Kyle Montag Front Row: Morgan Beare, Hannah Welling, Elizabeth Hoffman, Haley Cox, Gabi Lepof, Mikaely
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Murray Madness
Oak Hills students were caught by surprise when history teacher, Mr. Murray, jumped onto his desk with excitement when he heard the return of Music Fridays. We might have to tone down the music during bells on Fridays in order to keep this madness under
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