Blog Entries - February 2018

Tragedy Strikes Local Florida High School
by Kelsey Schwegman In the last five months, three of the deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the United States, one of them being this week at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Around 2:40 Eastern Standard Time, approximately
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Senior Capture? What's the Point?
by Mr. Hageman Glancing through news today, stories of hate are everywhere. A student at Ross High School shoots another. A student pulls a fire-alarm and guns down 17 in Florida. A woman downtown, over a social media fight, runs over
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Valentine's Day
by Katelyn Powers According to, “February 14th, observed in honor of St. Valentine as a day for the exchange of valentines and other tokens of affection.” Everybody has their own formed opinions on Valentine’s Day, some
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by Morgan Higgins Valentine's Day is here and love is in the air. Couples are around every corner giving each other presents and kisses left and right. For those of us who haven't found that special someone, but want a little love in our lives, I have
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Tide Pod Takeover
by: Lila Gerdes Poison control centers around the country have seen a spike in poisoning cases since the new year, directly related to the internet mock-trend of eating laundry pods. In the first fifteen days of the new year, poison control centers in the
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Korea in the Olympics
by: Hailey Parker The conflict between North and South Korea has been rising to a boil. Tensions between both sides are higher than ever, but somehow, some way, North and South Korea have been approved by the IOC to march and compete together in the 2018
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Snow Days
by Olivia Young The 2017-18 school year has been filled with unexpected cold and snow days. As a student, I always wondered what went into calling a snow day. Fortunately, I was able to interview Mr.Brandt, the Oak Hills High School Superintendent,
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Oak Hills Announces National Signing Day
Oak Hills Athletics is proud to announce our 17 student-athletes for today's Collegiate Signing Day. Congratulations to our student-athletes and their families! Front Row L to R: Haley Miller - Women’s Soccer - Ohio
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North and South Korea unite for unified 2018 Winter Olympics
by Makayla Head North and South Korea have come to an agreement this year for the Winter Olympics even through all the controversy they have had for over a decade. They have decided to walk under the same flag at the
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Something Bugging You?
by Kelsey Schwegman For many years, Cincinnati has been named one of the top cities for bed bugs. According to CBS,Cincinnati is ranked the eighth worst cities for bed bugs. Of the other three cities listed, Columbus, Dayton, and Cleveland, our
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