Blog Entries - December 2017

Basketball Season
by Hailey Parker As fall turns to winter, the sport focus transitions from tossing around a football to the bouncing basketballs on a court. The Oak Hills basketball team will take on a much different look this season. The most noticeable is the loss
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by Olivia Young The swimming season has arrived and us Highlanders couldn’t be more excited. It’s a sport with traditions, amazing people, and memories that all the swimmers enjoy. It's a sport that isn’t admired by the school, but
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Oven Roasted vs Deep Fried Turkey
By Leah Lindemann As the holidays are in full force, spending time with family and eating good amounts of food is a must.The big debate these past few weeks is which way to cook a turkey tastes better; roasted or fried? There are different advantages and
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Leadership Retreat 2017
By Katelyn Powers Jim Rohn once said, “Leadership is the challenge to be something more than average.” For the past five years, Oak Hills High School has hosted a Leadership Retreat, as the legacy was left behind by former students, Charlotte
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The Importance of History
By Nathan Brown Typically, it’s very easy to celebrate traditional holidays without possessing any knowledge of why we do it. This problem affects all major holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Veterans Day, and so on. Our school
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