Rapid Run Middle School

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Administration Office

Will Beinkemper, principal

Welcome back note from Principal Beinkemper

Dear Rapid Run Students and Families,

I hope summer has been reenergizing, restful and you’ve been able to enjoy time with your family and friends. I am honored to continue to serve as your Principal at Rapid Run Middle School and am looking forward to furthering the great tradition of learning and excellence in the Rapid Run community with you.

Just like your students, our staff is getting ready to step back into the building with the renewed passion and excitement that comes with the new school year! This year, our primary focus will be on improving all students' attendance and enhancing our literacy practices across all content areas. Regular attendance is crucial for academic success, as it ensures that students don't miss out on valuable learning opportunities. By concentrating on literacy, we aim to strengthen our students' reading and writing skills, which are essential for their overall academic achievement. Additionally, we are committed to fostering the growth of each individual student, recognizing that every child is a capable learner who deserves the best. We eagerly look forward to welcoming everyone back in a few weeks!

One of the greatest assets to our students' experience is the partnership that exists between the schools and community. I encourage all of you to be active participants in our school community by joining the PTA, volunteering where you can, and attending and supporting school events, such as the Open House or any of the school dances.  Sixth grade Open House will be on Thursday, Aug. 8th from 4:30 p.m.- 5:30pm.  Seventh and Eighth grade Open House will be held on Thursday, Aug. 22 from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. More dates and events are listed in this newsletter and on our school calendar.

We believe that effective communication between the school, students and parents will lead to success for all students both in and out of the classroom. Our website, Facebook page, and email are the primary avenues we utilize to communicate back and forth with our families. Please take a few minutes together with your child to review the content in this newsletter. You will find basic information regarding the return to school, communication, day to day information, important dates, resources, the PTA, athletics, and many other topics to support your child’s year.

It is a true honor and privilege to work with you and your children. Together, we will continue to strive for academic excellence and ensure our students receive a top-tier education. We greatly value your feedback and input as part of our school community and family. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime by phone, email, or by visiting the school office.


Will Beinkemper, Principal

[email protected]





Mr. Will Beinkemper     Principal
Mrs. Kristi Bashara   Assistant Principal
Mrs. Hatcher   Office Staff
Ms. McCarthy   Office Staff