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Parent Support In Child's Reading Development

Parents are the primary caregivers for their child’s growth and development. They know their child’s strengths, weaknesses, joys, sorrows, set-backs, and achievements better than anyone else. Yet, parents are not expected to know how best to meet their child’s needs when it comes to reading development. In our society, parents work together with family, friends, teachers, and other specialists at schools to help their child develop into outstanding readers. Please consider the resources available at this website to build and/or strengthen the skills parents need to help their child develop effective lifelong skills in reading. To begin this learning journey, we encourage our parents to thoughtfully examine the following resources:

If your child has special needs or is an English Language Learner please contact your school's principal for additional support and resources.


What Can You Do To Help With Early Reading Skills?

For Students:

For Parents:

Children are MADE readers on the laps of their parents. The first and most important thing you can do to help your child is read with them. Make it a part of your family routine. Fifteen minutes each evening can make a huge difference in the life of a developing reader.

Third Grade Reading Guarantee Roadmap - A Ohio Department of Education Resource