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Building Our Future
Oak Hills Local School District
Master Facilities Plan


  • Oak Hills Local School District (OHLSD) participates in Ohio’s funding program called ELPP (Expedited Local Partnership Program)

  • In ELPP, the state determines what assistance level the district qualifies for.
    The state will pay for 61% of a building project.  Local taxes will only have to pay for 39%.

  • OFCC (Ohio Facilities Construction Commission) is the department that manages Ohio’s school facility


The State has approached Oak Hills Local School District with their ELPP offer.  In response, the district is undergoing a Master Facility Planning process to evaluate the best use of the state offer.

The district created a Community Advisory Team (CAT), a cross-section of community members, business owners, parents and staff to understand the key issues associated with our educational facilities.  They will review the state building assessments, the financial needs of the district, and student enrollment trends.

The CAT then develops and evaluates a list of potential solutions with the ultimate goal of refining the list down to a single master plan for the entire community. The CAT will make a formal recommendation to the Board of Education.

Along the process, the greater community will have the opportunity to review plan options and provide feedback. The district has partnered with SHP to assist with the planning process.


Community Action Team

The Community Action Team (CAT) held its first meeting in February 11, 2025 at Delhi Middle School to learn about the opportunity available to the OHLSD and to review information about creating a Master Facilities Plan. The group also received information regarding the recent building assessments of the district's nine schools conducted by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission.

The CAT's second meeting took place on Tuesday, February 25 at Bridgetown Middle School. At that time they shared ideas and opinions and were asked to brainstorm ideas for a potential Master Facilities Plan for the school district.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 11 at 6 p.m.