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Senior Information

Oak Hills High School Commencement Ceremony will be Saturday, May 17, 2025, at  8:00 p.m. at the Cintas Center at Xavier University.  The doors will open at 7:00 p.m.  Any senior who wants to participate in the OHHS Commencement Ceremonies must order a minimum of cap, gown, and tassel from Graduate Service which is the only vendor we work with for Commencement.  There will be a mandatory practice for the ceremony (more information to come). 

In addition to the price increase at the beginning of December, the price will continue to increase based on availability and additional shipping charges.

There are NO free caps and gowns.  

All remaining balances on caps/gowns/tassels must be paid in full in order to pick up the items.

Graduate Service’s direct line is 513 272-5890 or you can order online at Herff Jones.  You can also view all items on this website.

The gown is a rental and must be returned immediately following the ceremony.  You will keep the cap and tassel. Take your pictures before the ceremony.

In order to participate in the ceremony, each senior must have all fees paid, attend the mandatory practice, and have ordered thru Graduate Service.

There is a MANDATORY practice for the ceremony (details to come).  If you are NOT going to participate in the Commencement Ceremony, please contact Mrs. Matre at [email protected]  to let her know.  You will be able to pick up your diploma at the front office of OHHS starting on June 1, 2025.



Here are the ordering dates -

Oak Hills High School -

October 2, 2024 - Cap, gown, tassel, etc ordering  - 3-7 p.m. in the Commons 

October 4, 2024 -  Cap, gown, tassel, etc ordering -  at lunch 

Feb. 13, 2025 -  Announcement Delivery - at lunch

March 31, 2025 - Cap and Gown Pass Out - at lunch

                                    The first price increase will be at the beginning of December.

Diamond Oaks -   

October 29, 2024 - Cap, gown, tassel, etc ordering - 7:30 am

April 11, 2025 -  Announcement Delivery  - 7:30 am

May 1, 2025 -  Cap and Gown Pass Out - 7:30 am

Scarlet Oaks  -

October 29, 2024 - Cap, gown, tassel, etc ordering- at lunch                                   

April 11, 2025 - Announcement Delivery - at lunch           

May 1, 2025 - Cap and Gown Pass Out - at lunch

Oak Hills High School Commencement Ceremony information will be coming soon.  

In order to participate, seniors must also be in good standing with their attendance.  Please see the following for the guidelines -

Extra-Curricular Activities



Highlander Students,

Below is information concerning privileged after-school activities/dances in relation to school attendance and discipline.  Please take the time to review this information and contact me with any questions.

Discipline - any student suspended during the quarter of a privileged activity is not eligible to attend such activity (both Prom and Graduation in the 4th Quarter). Any student recommended for expulsion at any point in the year is not eligible to attend privileged activities for the remainder of the year.

Unexcused Absences and Tardies - Any unexcused absences, and tardies greater than 2, will result in loss of school-related privileges unless corrected by one of the provisions listed below:

1. Attend Friday School - 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Fridays. 

- ONE Friday school served will make-up 1 unexcused absence or 4 tardies 

2. Attend Tuesday or Thursday School - 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

- ONE Tu/Th school served will make-up 2 tardies or ½ unexcused day 

3. Complete Volunteer Work - Students can organize a time to do volunteer work outside of OHHS. The volunteer work must be completed with a nonprofit or recognized charitable organization.

- Each hour of volunteer work will make-up ½ unexcused day or 2 tardies.

- These hours MUST be documented on letterhead from the organization only (not a parent letter). The letter must include the name of the person from the organization, hours volunteered, and a phone number where we can call to verify the hours. Opportunities exist through organizations such as food pantries, churches, or another registered non-profit organization. 

Students CANNOT make-up unexcused absences beyond 10 and/or tardies beyond 20. Therefore, students with unexcused absences beyond 10 and tardies beyond 20 are NOT eligible to participate in privileged activities.

If you have questions regarding your absences or tardies, please contact Mrs. Stange in the Attendance Office at [email protected] or myself, and please do not wait until the last minute to begin correcting attendance/tardy issues.


J. Travis Hunt, Principal