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Sponsor a Seat!

Photo of red fabric seat in newly renovated auditorium

Reserve your seat today

For only $300 you can purchase a new seat in the renovated Ione Holt Auditorium.  Your name will appear on a plate on the arm of that seat.  Each time a person sits in that seat, he or she will see your name or your business’ name and know you have supported the campaign to make the Ione Holt Auditorium great. (seat sponsorship is not a seat license).

To reserve a seat mail a $300 check payable to OHLSD to 6325 Rapid Run Road, Cincinnati, OH  45233. To pay with a credit card, call 513-598-3400.

Multiple seat purchase

Multiple seat sponsorships are available. Sponsor a seat for every member in your family.



Two rows of red auditorium seats