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Academic Support For Parents


Oak Hills High School is dedicated to supporting the needs of all students.  

What should you do if your son or daughter is struggling in one or more classes?

  1. Make contact with their teacher(s).  Refer to progress book
  2. If you are having trouble with your progress book account see the instructions below.
  3. Schedule a meeting with the teacher in order to help support your child.  
  4. If progress is still not being made, contact your child's counselor to get resources, guidance, and/or to set up a meeting with teacher(s).
  5. Refer your child for peer tutoring through the National honor society by contacting your student's counselor.

Helpful Reading Intervention/Resources Links

Dyslexia Resource
Reading Interventions
Florida Center for Reading Research
Best Practice Reading Instruction
5 Simple Steps for Effective Vocabulary Instruction
Academic and Behavioral Interventions Website
Understood for Learning and Attention
HELPS for Parents
Reading Comprehension Check Sheet
Text Lookback 
Reading to Read Intervention


Tutoring Options:

NHS Peer Tutoring

Varsity Tutors - If your child is struggling with homework and needs help at home, consider pointing them to Varsity Tutors for help. The Varsity Tutors Platform, supported by Ohio Dept. of Education & Workforce Development, OHLSD, and Oak Hills High School gives your student more opportunities to learn at their own pace. It’s helpful to have someone to talk to about the questions you have or to see things in a new way. With the Varsity Tutors platform, students can reach out to an expert in the subject or skill they’re learning. Whether it’s homework or a new hobby, they can request a chat with a tutor 24/7.