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Oak Hills is served by the Great Oaks Career and Technical Education Centers. Oak Hills students can apply to the Oaks at the end of their Sophomore year and attend one of Great Oaks four campuses during their Junior and Senior year. Most students who attend Great Oaks go to the closest campus, Diamond Oaks. See below for a description of the campus as well as programs offered. If you have any questions about the Oaks or the application process, please reach out to your house counselor).

Diamond Oaks Career Campus

High school students residing in participating school districts may attend Diamond Oaks (or any Great Oaks campus) and earn certification in a career field as well as college credit while completing their high school requirements.  Students attending Great Oaks receive a high school diploma from their home school when they complete their graduation requirements. They may participate in their high school’s commencement exercises.


Career programs at Diamond Oaks include:

  • Automotive Technology—Collision, Automotive Technology—Mechanics,
  • CareerX,
  • Commercial and Residential Electricity,
  • Construction Framing and Finishing Technologies,
  • Cosmetology,
  • Culinary Arts and Hospitality Services,
  • Dental Assisting,
  • Digital Arts and Design,
  • Equine Science and Management,
  • Exercise Science and Sports Medicine,
  • Health Technology,
  • Heating/Ventilating and Air Conditioning,
  • Precision Machining,
  • Surgical Technology,
  • Veterinary  Assisting,
  • Web Applications and Game Development,
  • Welding

***Other career programs are available at other Great Oaks campuses; for a complete list go to


Students at Diamond Oaks use labs, equipment, and tools that are used in the industry.  For instance, Surgical Technology students learn to handle surgical instruments, Automotive Technology students use computerized diagnostic equipment, Web Applications students use the latest software, and so on.

Daily transportation is provided to and from the Diamond Oaks campus.  Students who wish to enroll at Laurel Oaks (Wilmington), Scarlet Oaks (Sharonville), or Live Oaks (Milford) should see a counselor for more information.

Students attending Great Oaks may participate in all home school extra-curricular activities if scheduling and transportation can be arranged. Attendance at Great Oaks is free for high school students.