Turkeys and Tangram

An Honors Geometry classes, taught by Kimberly Brassfield, participated in a CEEMS project. Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Math and Science is a program through the University of Cincinnati with the purpose to bring engineering design to math and science classrooms - making instruction more student-led, hands-on, and real-world versus using direct, teacher-led instruction.
The project entailed using spatial visualization and perimeter to create cost-effective characters from a story read in class, Grandfather Tang's Story.
Ms. Brassfield's students took the story to John Foster Dulles Elementary this week and read the story and shared their characters with Mrs. Scroczynksi's third-grade class. The students, with the help of the six Oak Hills High School geometry students, were part of a tangram character creation challenge. The third graders did excellent with this challenge and came up with very creative tangram characters. The geometry students then taught the third graders about finding the perimeter of shapes through an interactive lesson followed by a group activity where students used the perimeter of shapes to help Tyler The Turkey build his turkey farm. "It was a fun and great learning experience for all involved," Ms. Brassfield shared.