Trick or Treat

This year's Trick-or-Treat So Kids Can Eat Food Drive has been extended to November 6th. Please drop off any nonperishable canned goods to the scene shop at Oak Hills High School by November 6. These donations will be going to the Anderson ferry food pantry. Consider donating – because hunger is a very scary thing!
Oak Hills High School Drama Club, Key Club and students in the work-study program are joining forces to lead the Oak Hills High School students in this year's Trick-or-Treat So Kids Can Eat Food Drive. Oak Hills High School students will be dropping off bags to their friends and neighbors this week. They hope to collect canned goods donations during trick or treating hours. Please consider donating canned goods for our Trick-or-Treat So Kids Can Eat Food Drive, because hunger is a very scary thing. Feel free to drop off any donations on November 1 to Oak Hills high school as well. Contact Maria Palassis, any Oak Hills Drama Club member or Key Club member for more details. Thank you for helping us!