"The Nature of Us" with "Art in Root"

Ms. Schorsch's Drawing and Printmaking students were visited by some furry and amphibious friends as a part of the “Art in Root” program they are participating in this year. “Art in Root” is a three-step program designed to create connections between high school students and nature through art. This program features a combination of a field trip to a park, an in-class visit and an art exhibition to immerse students in nature and translate their experiences into fine art. This year, artists are working with the theme of “The Nature of Us” and will create artwork based on human impact and interaction with nature that will be exhibited later this school year.
In September, the students participated in the first portion of the program with a nature hike at Miami Whitewater Forest. For the second portion of the program, our Interpreter of Nature, Brittan, brought in artifacts that humans leave behind in nature as well as some live animals. The students were able to learn more about the creatures that inhabit our parks while visiting with and photographing, Sandy the Tree Frog, Cheeto the Box Turtle, and Clover the Rabbit. These students will now be creating artwork inspired by these experiences for an exhibition in the spring which is the culminating experience of the “Art in Root” program designed by the Great Parks of Hamilton County.