Senior scholarship information

Local and Gray Scholarships
Local Scholarships are monetary contributions from individuals and/or organizations that are distributed to Oak Hills High School students through an application process. These range in criteria depending on the source. Some examples include academic success, financial need, future college and/or planned major, sports involvement, or activity involvement. Students will fill out one application that puts them in the running for all of the scholarships. See the Local/Gray Scholarships by following this LINK to the Scholarship Database.
The William O. and Mildred M. Gray Memorial Scholarship is awarded to seniors in high school who are enrolled for the following school year in either two or four-year institutions of higher learning in the state of Ohio. The criteria to be used in determining the scholarship recipients shall include, but not be limited to the following: Academic achievement, leadership in school and/or community, meaningful involvement in civic and/or extracurricular activities, volunteerism and/or community service, promotion of understanding of and/or project work in multiculturalism, involvement and accomplishment in the visual or performing arts in school and/or community and motivation to serve and succeed in all endeavors.
Applications: will be available beginning Wednesday, January 9th.
The Local Application will be done through a Google Form, which will be emailed to Seniors and available in this: Link
The Gray Application is a paper application. It will be available in the Back Counseling Office in room 522.
All Application online and paper materials are due Wednesday, February 6th by 3:00 pm; paper materials are due to the Back Counseling Office in room 522. Late submissions will not be accepted
Any questions regarding the Local and Gray application process, please contact Mrs. Jen Reissland -- [email protected].