Senior CCR Meetings
Sign-ups for Senior College and Career Readiness (CCR) meetings have begun! The senior year CCR meeting is the most important and the format will be completely different than what you have experienced in the past. Senior CCR meetings provide an opportunity for you to meet as a student-parent-teacher team to discuss your child's future plans and goals as well as specific steps that your child needs to take moving forward. Conversations are tailored to the questions that are most pressing to you and your child in regards to college and career readiness including testing data specific for your child. You will also receive an updated copy of your student's transcript including updated GPA and class rank.
College and Career Readiness Meetings are 30 minutes long, scheduled between 4:30 pm and 8:30 pm on the following days:
Wednesday, September 18th
Wednesday, September 25th
College Night: 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Commons -- 100+ reps from colleges and military will be present
ACT Breakout Session: 6:00-7:00 p.m. in 126
Financial Aid Session: 6:00-7:00 p.m. in auditorium
Thursday, October 3rd
To schedule a meeting:
Please click on the alpha link below that contains the first letter of your child’s last name.
Scroll through the list of Tartan Time Teachers and locate the name of your child’s Tartan Time Teacher.
Select a date and time that is convenient for you by clicking in the box next to the words “Sign Up”. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Submit and Sign Up”.
You will be navigated to a page that will ask you to enter your student’s name (first and last please) and your first name, last name and email.
Once you have entered this information, click “Sign Up Now”.
NOTE: If your child has been assigned an intervention specialist teacher they will be contacting you directly to schedule your child's CCR meeting. Please look for a letter in the mail from your child’s IVS. You do not need to use this sign up process!!
Student’s Last Name
See you there!