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OHHS Veteran's Day Assembly honors our veterans
Posted on: November 4, 2024 1:00 pm

Oak Hills High School students and staff gathered together on Monday, November 5 to honor and thank 206 local military veterans at the OHHS Veteran's Day Assembly.
The students applauded, cheered, and waved flags and handmade signs as 206 veterans marched into the assembly. The photos and the names of the veterans appeared on monitors, students showed videos they created to honor the veterans, and several veterans in attendance shared their stories of service with the audience via video messages. The program ended with a moving POW/MIA Table Ceremony and the playing of Taps. It was a day that makes you proud to be an American, and proud to be a Highlander.
The assembly was a beautiful and dignified tribute to men and women who have given so much to our nation. Special thanks to Trade 31 Precision Builders for sponsoring the luncheon for the veterans. OHLSD thanks all veterans for their service.