OHHS Art and Design Students Selected for the 2021 OAEA Emerging Artist Show

The OAEA (Ohio Art Education Association) High School Show showcases Ohio’s Emerging Artist artistic efforts. The Emerging Artist show is dedicated to showcasing artistic efforts of students who have only had the chance to take one or two art classes in high school. The competitive professional forum is intended to prepare young artists for their creative future in college or in an art career. This showcase is designed to inspire new artists to excel in areas of drawing, painting, sculpture, crafts, computer art, photography, and printmaking. Everyone involved should be proud of the students who inspire, creative thinking, problem-solving and skillful techniques.
This year’s exhibition showcases 135 works of art by students in grades nine through eleven from across the state. The work will be on display from October 4th through November 12th, 2021, at the Columbus College of Art & Design.
Congratulations to the following students from Ms. Schorsch’s Drawing and Printmaking and Painting and Public Art classes for being selected to exhibit at this year’s Emerging Artist show.
Raegan Louis, “Blooms”
Sophia Osborne, “Childhood Memories”
Mia Schorsch, “Infinite Sadness”
Leah Stolla, “My Name is Malala”
Sarah Young, “Precious”