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OHHS Art and Design and USA Miniprints for Peace and Justice 2024

Posted on: May 16, 2024 10:00 am

Drawing and Printmaking students recently created monotype gelli plate prints for the 4th annual challenge and exhibit of Miniprints for Peace and Justice by American Artists and Artists living in the USA, launched by SOS ART in 2020. Students researched the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights and selected an Article for their inspiration in voicing their hopes and concerns related to issues of peace and justice.

Among the exhibiting artists are 9 Drawing and Printmaking students, along with their teacher Jamie Schorsch. All Miniprints are “6 x ”6 and for sale with proceeds going to both the artists and SOS Art.

You can view images and artist statements of OHHS Art and Design students exhibiting prints below!


Congratulations to the selected artists:
Bethany Bachman
Marcus Best
Charlie Cox
Miles Frisch
Kendalyn Kress
Aubrey Laib
Jackson Mundstock
Alexis Signson
Rachel Wunderlich
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