Highlanders win contest to protect our watershed
The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District puts on a contest each year for students attending Hamilton County Schools. The students propose and implement a project that is designed to help improve and/or protect our watershed. This year, 100 written proposals were submitted for judging. We had two students submit these proposals and they both made it to the final oral presentations that were held at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden.
Annie Smith's project focused on trying to reduce the number of plastic water bottles being used in our school on a daily basis. She secured funding for two water fountains that have the ability to refill water bottles. She has been working closely with maintenance to try and get the fountains installed. She finished in eighth place and received a $400 scholarship!
Matthew Murphy's project was to replace all of the aerators in the restrooms from 2.2 gallons/minute to 0.5 gallons/minute of water coming out of the faucet.This will save the district both water and money. He won the competition and received a $1,000 scholarship!
"I am so proud of their hard work and dedication," OHHS science teacher Beth Ludwig said.