Highest Honors graduates
Congratulations to our Highlanders who will be graduating with honors in May!

Missing from Picture - Tyler Bess, Bailee Conway, Lydia Cox, Caylee Cracium, Maxwell Faust, Katherine Slattery
Row 6 - Zachary Schmidt, William Oyler, Daniel Hodges, Andrew Evans, Jared Cox, Brett Kron, Tyler Parrish, Spencer Clingerman, Matthew Schapker, Jonathan Finn
Row 5 - Zachary Czoer, Brad Weidner, Kyle Boland, Casey Schablein, Jacob Schaub, Matthew Murphy, Nicklaus Krauser, Trevor Might, Barry Price, Dylan Noble
Row 4 - Cara Roche, Libbey Ryland, Louisa Anderson, Olivia Earhart, Erica Wessel, Megan Kappen, Holly Reuss, Shelby Spitzfaden, Genesis Finnell, Abby Krauser, Anne Smith, Michaela Schiffmeyer
Row 3 - Hannah Hughes, Abigail Coogan, Holly Ahrman, Hannah Welling, Allison Braun, Carlie Hulette, Kylee Howard, Gabriella Lepof, Elizabeth Henline, Sophia Schmackers, Morgan Cabe
Row 2 - Rachel Lincoln, Bryndon Hollingworth, Kylee Dominguez, Julia Gomien, Ashley Schaefer, Allison Schaefer, Morgan Beare, Tessa Calvert, Brooke Chesney, Kaitlyn Witt, Isabel Hassett, Chelsea Davis
Row 1 - Yasmine Garadah, Jenna Bertke, Sarah Urban, Meara Huheey, Laura Grothaus, Emma Schmitt, Devin Ulrich, Donna Nguyen, Jalynn Johnson, Kristina Sattler, Abigail Schroeder, Karly Egbers