Game with a Cop

On Thursday, April 12th, Ms. Jennifer Harris and Mr. Robert Klotz accompanied a group of Oak Hills freshman and sophomores to the "Game with a Cop" program at the Cincinnati Reds, sponsored by the Hamilton County Sheriff's office. The "Game with a Cop" program was started to positively impact youth in our communities and build trust with local law enforcement. The students had VIP status for the evening! They got to sit in a luxury suite, were treated to a catered dinner, and even given ball caps and rally towels throughout the game. During the game, students were able to sit and talk with Deputy Mike Robison and break down the misconceptions students have regarding police officers while building positive Police / Community Relations. Deputy Mike Robison spoke with the students about reaching their goals. The students had a wonderful time. Freshman, Dylan Walters, said, "I had the best time at the game. I enjoyed talking with Deputy Robison. The coolest part was sitting in those comfortable seats! I never got to sit in seats like that before." Even though the Reds didn't bring home a win, both Mr. Klotz and Ms. Harris believe it was a win for their students. "This is an important investment in our students, school, and community. It was time well spent," said Mr. Klotz.