Creative Canvassing: Presentation Series

Get excited because the National Art Honor Society is sponsoring Creative Canvassing and is bringing you an awesome art and design series all year long. Imagine cool talks by artists and designers who will share their stories and show you how they create amazing stuff. Plus, there will be presentations about college and post-secondary options, helping you figure out how to keep your artistic passions alive after high school. These events will happen after school, so you don't want to miss out on the chance to dive into the world of art and design, learn new things, and let your creativity run wild. NAHS and OHHS Art and Design believe in you and your creativity, and this series is here to prove it!
2023-2024 Series Schedule
All presentations will take place on Wednesday, after school, in 213 from 3:00-4:00pm
Sept. 6, 2023: The Modern College of Design
Oct. 25, 2023: The Art Academy of Cincinnati
Be on the lookout for dates for presentations by:
Kevin Brady: 3D Printing Technologies
Kendall Bruns: Sr. Product Manager at Freeosk, Inc. and Founder/Director of the U.S. Pizza Museum
Saad Ghosn: MD, MPH, and Founder/Director of SOS ART
If you work in the Art or Design field, or know someone that does who would be interested in sharing your/their expertise and experience, please complete this form!