Art Possible Ohio 24th Annual Accessible Expression Exhibition

Congratulations to the Oak Hills High School students whose artwork was selected for the Art Possible Ohio, formerly known as VSA OHIO, Annual Accessible Expressions Ohio Traveling Exhibition.
Anna Luken, Grade 12
Ayden Hingsbergen, Grade 9
What is it all about....
Art Possible Ohio is a community that connects inspired artists with their passion, service providers with resources, and all citizens with creative opportunities.
Started in 1996, Accessible Expressions Ohio is an adjudicated, statewide exhibition and tour of visual art for artists of all ages with disabilities. This professional development opportunity helps raise awareness about art and disabilities by presenting the art in inclusive settings.
AEO begins with a call for art open to artists with disabilities - any age, any experience level, and all across Ohio. The annual exhibition is selected by jurors from the call for art entries. The entire exhibition is on display in full for the month of March before being curated into small groups for a statewide tour (April - December). The 2020 Day of Arts for All will be at the Springfield Museum of Art on March 28th from 10 am-2 pm. Our theme this year is, What Makes Art Possible for You?