Blog Entries - August 2022

OHLSD offers new safety training, videos for students
OHLSD will use a combination of two effective approaches -- the Standard Response Protocol and the Run, Hide, Fight protocol -- to help students and staff be safe and prepared.
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OHHS art educator wins Outstanding Art Teacher Award
The Ohio Art Education Association has presented OHHS visual arts teacher Jamie Schorsch the Outstanding Art Teacher Award for 2022. The award recognizes noteworthy commitment to students; significant learning, growth and development of students; contributing
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OHLSD welcomes international families
More than 250 students and parents enjoyed OHLSD's Multilingual Family Day on Aug. 16.
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to the Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Josie Adamson Girls' Golf Jr Josie picked up golf a year ago & has dedicated herself to
Blog Entry Synopsis End2022 Summer “Celebrating Art” OHHS Art and Design Students to Be Published
“Celebrating Art” is devoted to the promotion and appreciation of student art. The intent of their student art contest is to motivate student artists. The top entries are published in an anthology that will record the creative works of
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to our Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Anthony Weinmann Boys' Golf Sr Anthony shot 76 T-12th at the Beechwood Invitational. Also, he excels in the classroom
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOHHS Art and Design Students Selected for the 2022 OAEA Emerging Artist Show
The OAEA (Ohio Art Education Association) High School Show showcases Ohio’s Emerging Artists’ artistic efforts. The Emerging Artist show is dedicated to showcasing the artistic efforts of students who have only had the chance to take one or two
Blog Entry Synopsis EndThe Drawing and Printmaking 2021-22 Sierra Leone Memory Project Delivery Video!
The Memory Project portraits that the OHHS Drawing and Printmaking students created earlier this year were successfully delivered to the children and teens in Cameroon! This year, students at OHHS created 20 portraits for children in Sierra Leone. “The
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