Blog Entries - June 2024

Summer Book Bus tour every Tuesday and Wednesday
The Oak Hills Book Bus will be at J.F. Dulles Elementary every Tuesday and Delshire Elementary every Wednesday in June and July. It will be there from 9:30 - 11:30 am. Thank you Oak Hills Alumni & Educational Foundation! Come on out and get your summer
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OHHS students head to France
A total of 17 Oak Hills High School students in Meghan Sullivan's French class flew to Paris this past weekend to spend eight days in France! They will be visiting Paris and Nice as part of their trip. Have a great time!
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Congratulations to Scholastic Art Awards National Medalists Grace Gray and Sophia Wehman!
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards has an impressive legacy dating back to 1923. Over the years, the Awards have grown to become the longest-running, most prestigious recognition program for creative teens in the U.S., and the nation’s largest
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Congratulations to our 4th Quarter Honor Roll Students! Honors High Honors Highest
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