Blog Entries - 2017
The Daily Announcements
Friday Email
Person of interest identified in social media threat
A note from the desk of Mr. Hunt: I'd like to provide an update related to last Friday's social media threat. Investigators continue to track leads and have identified a person of interest. As the investigation is ongoing, we are limited in the information
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CCR Meetings
Sign-ups for Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior College and Career Readiness (CCR) meetings have begun! CCR meetings provide an opportunity for you to meet as a student-parent-teacher team to discuss your child’s future plans and goals as well as specific
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As a follow-up to Mr. Hunt’s message last night, our top priority continues to be the safety and security of our students and staff. We are still working with the Green Township Police and Hamilton County Sheriff's Departments in regard to the
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This evening we were made aware of a threat to our high school via social media. We immediately contacted our local law enforcement officials and they are investigating the incident. We believe this to be a false threat, but the district takes
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Perfect Attendance
At Oak Hills High School, we like to recognize students who have good attendance. At the end of each month, we draw names from a list of students who have perfect attendance for that month. Four students from each grade level are then recognized and
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Oak Hills InteresTED!
InteresTED??This new TEDEd Club at OHHS starts in January 2018 The effect of laughter on someone who’s sad. The danger and excitement of dirt biking. The reason human beings need so much sleep. The thought of infinity. These are just a few of the
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Charlotte Jansen of Diamond Oaks receives Western Hills Community Service Club award and scholarship
Diamond Oaks senior Charlotte Jansen was honored by the Western Hills Community Service Club as Student of the Month for November. Jansen, an Equine Science and Management student from Oak Hills, was honored at a November 30 breakfast. Jansen was presented
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Girl Rising: OHHS artwork featured
Girl Rising recently selected OHHS Art and Design teacher Jamie Schorsch's and drawing and printmaking students to be featured on their new website's Educators Portal. The new site includes case studies and snapshots that highlight the work
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Can you help?
Oak Hills High School has partnered with the Oak Hills Alumni & Educational Foundation to allow you to contribute to our Feed a Highlander program. Your donation helsps us to provide financial support to students who are unable to purchase lunch at Oak
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Field trip to Cincinnati Symphony Orchesra
This is the 27th consecutive year students from Mr. Klotz's classes attended a Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra concert at Music Hall. The students were able to experience a world-class orchestra's performance and apply lessons learned in their
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Student field trip to the justice center
The Legal Issues class, lead by teacher James Wandsnider, took a field trip downtown to the justice center on November 2, 2017. They were able to tour the facility and better understand what life behind bars would be like. They also visited the Jury
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Highlanders selected for prestigious Honor Band
Please join us in congratulating the following OHHS students for being selected for the prestigious Ohio Music Educators Association District 14 High School Honor Band this year: Seniors: Brianna Rhoton (flute), Toby Boehringer (percussion), Joe Gourley
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Join us for some musical holiday cheer
Spread holiday cheer! Come to a concert! Holiday Concerts, all 7 pm, all free, OHHS Ione Holt Auditorium Wednesday, Dec. 6 - Orchestra Concert Monday, Dec. 11 - Choir Concert Wednesday Wednesday, Dec. 13 - Band
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Women in IT Conference
Four Oak Hills students including Peyton Beck, Jordan Asman, Jasmine Owens and Chloe Motz attended the Women in IT Conference at XU on Friday, November 17, 2017. They learned more about Big Data and careers in Data Science from female
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Oak Hills High School Musical Theatre Ensemble, With a generous donation from the Oak Hills Alumni and Educational Foundation, Proudly
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Hiking Club
Hiking Club was created with the sole intention to bring students outdoors and to appreciate nature. The club is unique in that anyone can participate as most of the events will take place on the weekends when school is not in session. Hiking Club
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Student-athlete Highlander award winners
Congratulations to our Highlander Award Winners for the 2017 Fall Season which were presented to our varsity student athletes on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at the Fall Awards Program! The Highlander Award is not an MVP Award in the
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Turkeys and Tangram
An Honors Geometry classes, taught by Kimberly Brassfield, participated in a CEEMS project. Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Math and Science is a program through the University of Cincinnati with the purpose to bring engineering design to math and
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Art Recognition
"Selections 2017" is a biennial exhibition and awards gala, hosted since 1983, that spotlights artworks created by talented area junior and senior high school students as selected by their art teachers. Congratulations to the 2017 OHHS Art and Design students
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GMC Athletes - 2017
Congratulations to the Highlander Athletes who have been named GMC Athletes of the Week during the Fall Sports season! Your hard work, determination, and outstanding performances have been recognized by the Highlander and GMC communities! Ally Albertz Jr
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Paris, France for OHHS

September perfect attendance winners
For the month of September, we had a total of 580 students who had perfect attendance. The 16 students who received prizes for the month of September include the following: Freshmen Class of 2201: Brooke Auel, Claudia Cliffe, Abby Schmidt, and Heather
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Veterans day assembly
All Veterans are invited to join us in Thanking You for your service to our great nation! What: A student-led Veterans Day presentation to express our thanks and gratitude to Veterans for their dedication, sacrifice and service to our
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Oak Hills High School Drama club proudly presents William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, November 2, 3, and 4, 2017 at Oak Hills High School, Ione Holt auditorium, at 7 p.m. All seats are $10.00. For tickets please contact us at
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Trick or Treat
This year's Trick-or-Treat So Kids Can Eat Food Drive has been extended to November 6th. Please drop off any nonperishable canned goods to the scene shop at Oak Hills High School by November 6. These donations will be going to the Anderson ferry
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Dewey's Pizza and Feed a Highlander
Eat Pizza To Raise Funds! All students, families and friends of Oak Hills High School "Feed a Highlander" program are invited to dine on Tuesday, November 7th at Dewey's Pizza. Join us at the Dewey's Pizza at 5649 Harrison Avenue - Green Township.
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Support the American Heart Association the American Heart Association by donating your pennies during homeroom! Fundraiser is being organized by the NHS now through 9/15. Winning homeroom wins free breakfast from First Watch - Harrison Green! The goal is
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Senior CCR meeting registration open now
Sign ups for Senior College and Career Readiness (CCR) meetings have begun! The senior year CCR meeting is the most important and the format will be completely different than what you have experienced in the past. Senior CCR meetings provide an
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PSAT: October 14
Oak Hills High School will be offering the PSAT on Saturday, October 14, 2017. The test is open to all OHHS sophomore and junior students. Registration will begin Wednesday, September 6 and will end on Wednesday, September 20. Registration will be
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Congratulations to the OHHS Art and Design students whose art works were selected as High Merit pieces for the spring 2017 Celebrating Art competition and publication! Having a High Merit award means the art was an exceptional piece. Out of thousands of
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Oak Hills dancer finishes first at Nationals
Kami Fleming is a senior at Oak Hills and she dances at Emerge Dance Academy. She has been dancing since she was three years old and this summer she competed in the Kids Artistic Revue National Championship in Toledo, Ohio from June 27 to July 3. Fleming
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Freshman Frenzy
Follow this link>>>Freshman Frenzy to register now for 7/26/17 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. event at the High School. $25 registration includes t-shirt and pizza. All proceeds benefit the Class of 2021. Contact Kelly Rogers
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Students raise money to donate solar lanterns
Last June, five students from Oak Hills High School, Makayla Conners, Daniel Weber, Jacob Berkemeier, Karli Limpert and Madeleine Nemeth, traveled to Cleveland and experienced a life changing experience. They met students from two other schools, Jackson High
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Register for high school bus service by July 10
Students at OHHS are not eligible for Oak Hills school bus transportation. If you would like yellow bus service for the 2017-2018 school year, please complete this registration form and return it by July 10, 2017. Paul’s Bus Service routing is
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2017 World History Day
The fifth annual World History Day concluded Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at Oak Hills High School. Oak Hills’ freshmen history students concluded a three-week unit on international topics of importance. Each student was introduced to a short snapshot of
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AP English summer reading assignment
All AP English classes have a summer assignment this year. Any student who signed up for AP Seminar, AP English Literature, or AP English Language for the 2017-18 school year will need to complete the assignment by the first day of school. Please click on
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Keith Kaiser wins Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship
Oak Hills High School senior Keith Kaiser has been awarded the prestigious Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship to attend Miami University in the fall. After five years of work as a caddie at Western Hills Country Club, Keith was named a finalist in the
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Jessica Morgan earns bronze medal two years in a row!
Felicitations! Congratulations to junior Jessica Morgan who ranked bronze for the second year in a row in the National French Exam! Other students who received honorable mention are: Elizabeth Rehkamp, Grace Devoid, Abigail Dollries, Logan Herr and Natalia Lopez. #highlanderstrong
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Oak Hills High School welcomed Evans J.R. Revere on Thursday, April 27, 2017. Mr. Revere is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Center for East Asia Policy Studies. He is also Senior Advisor with the Albright Stonebridge
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Highlanders win contest to protect our watershed
The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District puts on a contest each year for students attending Hamilton County Schools. The students propose and implement a project that is designed to help improve and/or protect our watershed. This year, 100
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Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district. Since the competition began in 1982, more than 650,000 high
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Grim Reaper day at OHHS
Friday, April 21, 2017 is Grim Reaper Day at Oak Hills High School. This day is a tradition that was started by the senior class of 2014 and is being continued by this year's senior class. This day is intended to bring awareness to the risks and fatalities
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2017 Prom court!
Congratulations to members of the 2017 Prom Court: Paige Rudy and Spencer Clingerman Megan Kappen and Brett Kron Holly Ahrman and Dominic Breen Erica Wessel and Isaac Holmes Gabi Lepof and Luke Rudy Yasmine Garadah and Kyle Montag Jesica Schloemer and
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Highest Honors graduates
Congratulations to our Highlanders who will be graduating with honors in May!
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After Prom 2017 tickets on sale
OHHS After Prom tickets are on sale for all juniors and seniors in the Commons during lunch from April 3 through April 21 and online at

3rd quarter Honor Roll
Congratulations to our third quarter honor roll students! Highest honors High
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Rain barrels are complete
OHHS students design and pain rain barrels for auction at Cincinnati Zoo The Rain Barrel Art Project was created to promote the use of rain barrels throughout the Ohio River Valley through a creative and educational medium. The project is now in its fifth
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Join the Oak Hills Twirling Team!
The Oak Hills Majorettes are excited to invite you to be a part of our team for the 2017-18 season! Previous baton experience is not required, but smiles and good work ethic are. Grab a friend and plan to attend our parent/information meeting and practice
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