Blog Entries - February 2024

BMS students present 'The Wizard of Oz' this weekend....Show is SOLD OUT!
Bridgetown Middle School proudly presents 'The Wizard of Oz' this weekend with performances on Friday, March 1 at 7 p.m. and again on Saturday, March 2 at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Thank you for supporting the event...All performances are SOLD OUT!
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Boys' Bowling team wins GMC Championship
Congratulations to Coach Bridges, Coach Lipps and the boys' bowling team for winning the GMC Championship this season! The Varsity and JV teams were a combined 31-1 this season. Good luck to the Varsity team at OHSAA Sectionals on February 20th!
Blog Entry Synopsis EndHere's how you can support the families impacted by the recent fire
This past weekend a fire swept through the Glenhaven Apartments in Delhi, destroying a 12-unit complex and displacing all the families that lived in the unit. Unfortunately, the fire tragically impacted several Oak Hills students and families who attend
Blog Entry Synopsis EndSOLD OUT! Sweetheart fundraiser dinner for Lisa Schlomer accepting donations only
SOLD OUT!!! The spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Tuesday, February 27th to support Lisa Laveck Schlomer IS SOLD OUT! But we are still accepting donations for Lisa and her family as she continues to battle stage four breast cancer which has metastasized to her
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Winter Signing Day at OHHS
It's a great day to be a Highlander! Especially for a group of talented Oak Hills High School student-athletes, their families and coaches. Twelve seniors committed to furthering their academic and athletic careers at the college level
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Kindergarten Registration is open for 2024-25 school year
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open for students residing in the Oak Hills Local School District. You can download the registration packet and materials
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCelebrating Art: Fall 2023 Top Ten and High Merit Students Announced
Congratulations to the OHHS Art and Design student whose art was selected as a High Merit piece for the Fall 2023 Celebrating Art competition and publication! Receiving a Top Ten or High Merit award means the art was an exceptional piece. Out of thousands of
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to the Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Brycen Kessler Boys' Basketball Sr Brycen has not always scored a lot of points but he consistently
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Roosters OHHS Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to sophomores Sean Boeh - Boys' Wrestling and Kasey Burke - Girls' Wrestling for being named Roosters OHHS Athletes of the Week!

Roosters OHHS Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to senior Andrew Stakauskas - Boys' Swimming and junior Zoe Wuerdeman - Girls' Diving for being named Roosters OHHS Athletes of the Week! Good luck to both athletes at the OHSAA State Championships this week! Zoe will
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Andrew Stakauskas Boys' Swimming Sr. Andrew is a Senior and competed in his final District meet this past weekend. He placed 6th in the 50 Free with a time of 21.63 and 11th in the 100 Butterfly with a
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOHHS Art and Design Student Awarded 1st Place at the Taft Museum of Art’s ARC Exhibition Opening!
OHHS Art and Design students enrolled in Schorsch’s Drawing and Printmaking class had the opportunity to participate in the ARC program this year. The Taft Museum of Art’s Artists Reaching Classrooms (ARC) offers an immersive educational
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Save the Date, 3/16/2024, for the OHLSD Art Exhibition!

Global Fair
Save the Date for the Global Fair sponsored by the OHLSD PTAs! Everyone is invited to this event that will take place at Delshire Elementary on Saturday, March 9 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.
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Roosters OHHS Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to juniors Henry Maginn - Boys' Basketball and Averie Thomas - Girls' Swimming for being named Roosters OHHS Athletes of the Week!
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to the Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Abby Dunn Girls' Bowling Soph Sophomore Abby Dunn has shown
Blog Entry Synopsis EndThe SOS ART Youth Exhibition and Events Open this Weekend!
The exhibition, now in its 3rd year, is a collaboration between the National Art Honor Society members of Oak Hills High School, SOS ART, and the art educators of Southwest Ohio. This year, we will be featuring the work of
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOHHS Art and Design Students Exhibiting at the 2024 CAM Teen Expo
Each year The Cincinnati Art Museum engages young artists to display their artwork at our 10×10 Teen Art Expo. Students from the OHHS National Art Honor Society will be exhibiting work at the Cincinnati Art Museum! The Cincinnati Art Museum Teen Expo
Blog Entry Synopsis EndArt Possible Ohio 28th Annual Accessible Expression Exhibition
Congratulations to Devon Brandenburg, Jaden Schneider, Kevin Kurre, and Caden Ginn whose artwork was selected to be part of the Accessible Expressions Ohio 2024 exhibition! Kevin KurreJaden SchneiderCaden GinnDevion Brandenburg Accessible Expressions
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"Wonder" Opens on 2/18/24 @ The Annex Gallery!
OHHS Art and Design students enrolled in Schorsch’s Drawing and Printmaking class had the opportunity to participate in the ARC program this year. The Taft Museum of Art’s Artists Reaching Classrooms (ARC) offers an immersive
Blog Entry Synopsis EndScholastic Awards Opening Reception 2/9/24 @ The AAC!
Come out and celebrate our amazing Scholastic Art Awards Winners! Opening Reception EventFriday, February 9, 2024, 5 pm-8 pm, Open to the PublicGet the first look at our region’s Scholastic Award recipients across art and writing categories!
Blog Entry Synopsis EndFeatured Artwork from the 2024 SOS ART Youth Exhibition!
Leading up to, and throughout, the SOS ART Youth Exhibition we will be featuring artworks from the students of Southwest Ohio who used their voices to address issues of peace and justice. The exhibition, now in its 3rd year, is a collaboration between the
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to the Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Cole Burton Academic Quiz Team Soph. Cole has been a
Blog Entry Synopsis EndRylee Dissinger Announced as an Overture Awards Finalist!
Congratulations to OHHS Art and Design senior Rylee Dissinger whose portfolio of works was one of the 4 Finalists selected from the 13 Semi-Finalists for the 2024 Visual Arts Competition of The Overture Awards. Rylee was nominated by Ms. Schorsch to submit a
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Roosters OHHS Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to junior Mitchell Ferguson - Boys' Wrestling and sophomore Lillie Anderson - Girls' Wrestling for being named Roosters OHHS Athletes of the Week!
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Featured Artwork from the 2024 SOS ART Youth Exhibition!
Leading up to, and throughout, the SOS ART Youth Exhibition we will be featuring artworks from the students of Southwest Ohio who used their voices to address issues of peace and justice. The exhibition, now in its 3rd year, is a collaboration between the
Blog Entry Synopsis EndFeatured Artwork from the 2024 SOS ART Youth Exhibition!
Leading up to, and throughout, the SOS ART Youth Exhibition we will be featuring artworks from the students of Southwest Ohio who used their voices to address issues of peace and justice. The exhibition, now in its 3rd year, is a collaboration between the
Blog Entry Synopsis EndMark Your Calendars for the SOS ART Youth Art Exhibition Opening!
We are now just 1 week away from the SOS ART Youth Art Exhibition opening on February 10th, 2024! The exhibition, now in its 3rd year, is a collaboration between the National Art Honor Society members of Oak Hills High School, SOS ART, and the art
Blog Entry Synopsis End2024 Oak Hills Board of Education Hall of Honor Nomination
Interested in nominating someone for the Oak Hills Board of Education Hall Of Honor? The Hall of Honor is a recognition given by the Oak Hills Board of Education. It honors those who have spent at least five years working for the betterment of
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