Blog Entries - December 2017
Person of interest identified in social media threat
A note from the desk of Mr. Hunt: I'd like to provide an update related to last Friday's social media threat. Investigators continue to track leads and have identified a person of interest. As the investigation is ongoing, we are limited in the information
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CCR Meetings
Sign-ups for Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior College and Career Readiness (CCR) meetings have begun! CCR meetings provide an opportunity for you to meet as a student-parent-teacher team to discuss your child’s future plans and goals as well as specific
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As a follow-up to Mr. Hunt’s message last night, our top priority continues to be the safety and security of our students and staff. We are still working with the Green Township Police and Hamilton County Sheriff's Departments in regard to the
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This evening we were made aware of a threat to our high school via social media. We immediately contacted our local law enforcement officials and they are investigating the incident. We believe this to be a false threat, but the district takes
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Perfect Attendance
At Oak Hills High School, we like to recognize students who have good attendance. At the end of each month, we draw names from a list of students who have perfect attendance for that month. Four students from each grade level are then recognized and
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Oak Hills InteresTED!
InteresTED??This new TEDEd Club at OHHS starts in January 2018 The effect of laughter on someone who’s sad. The danger and excitement of dirt biking. The reason human beings need so much sleep. The thought of infinity. These are just a few of the
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Charlotte Jansen of Diamond Oaks receives Western Hills Community Service Club award and scholarship
Diamond Oaks senior Charlotte Jansen was honored by the Western Hills Community Service Club as Student of the Month for November. Jansen, an Equine Science and Management student from Oak Hills, was honored at a November 30 breakfast. Jansen was presented
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Girl Rising: OHHS artwork featured
Girl Rising recently selected OHHS Art and Design teacher Jamie Schorsch's and drawing and printmaking students to be featured on their new website's Educators Portal. The new site includes case studies and snapshots that highlight the work
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Can you help?
Oak Hills High School has partnered with the Oak Hills Alumni & Educational Foundation to allow you to contribute to our Feed a Highlander program. Your donation helsps us to provide financial support to students who are unable to purchase lunch at Oak
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Field trip to Cincinnati Symphony Orchesra
This is the 27th consecutive year students from Mr. Klotz's classes attended a Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra concert at Music Hall. The students were able to experience a world-class orchestra's performance and apply lessons learned in their
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