Blog Entries - November 2019
Celebrating Art: Summer 2019 High Merit Students Announced
Congratulations to the 2 OHHS Art and Design students whose art was selected as a High Merit piece for the Summer 2019 Celebrating Art competition and publication! Having a High Merit award means the art was an exceptional piece. Out of thousands of entries
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OHHS Ambassador Jazz Band @ Germania Park this Sunday!
Come check out the OHHS Ambassador Jazz Band this Sunday November 24th at the Germania Society's annual Christkindlmarkt! We perform at 1pm and it's always a fantastic time! For details click HERE. We promise it'll
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"The Nature of Us" with "Art in Root"
Ms. Schorsch's Drawing and Printmaking students were visited by some furry and amphibious friends as a part of the “Art in Root” program they are participating in this year. “Art in Root” is a three-step program designed to create
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Tartan Town Holiday Hours

OHHS Studio Art AP and the AAC Artist & Writer in Residence Program
Ms. Schorsch’s Studio Art AP 2D Design and Drawing students are participating in the Art Academy of Cincinnati’s Artist & Writer in Residence program through their Community Education division. The program focuses on the 21st Century Thinking
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OHHS Art and Design Students Explore "Art and Race Matters"
OHHS Art and Design Studio Art AP, AP Art History students recently visited the Contemporary Arts Center to view "Art and Race Matters". The exhibition is the first comprehensive retrospective of one of America’s most compelling and
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Legal Issues Class Field Trip
On Oct. 30th, Mr. Wandsnider's Legal Issues Class toured the Hamilton County Justice Center and Courthouse. Students sat in on arraignment hearings, toured the jail and even witnessed a civil trial in process. It was a great learning experience for all who attended.
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The 2019 Drawinga and Printmaking Memory Project Portraits
“The Memory Project” is a nonprofit organization that invites art teachers and their students to create portraits for youth around the world who have faced substantial challenges, such as neglect, abuse, loss of parents, and extreme poverty. Over
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Fall season Highlander Award Receipients
Congratulations to our Highlander Award recipients for the 2019-20 Fall season! The awards were presented to our Varsity student-athletes at last night's Fall Awards program. The Highlander Award is not an MVP Award in the traditional sense, but rather
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Congratulations to our 1st Quarter Honor Roll Students!! Highest Honors High
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OHHS Art and Design "Selections" Exhibitor Wins MSJU Scholarship!
Selections 2019 is a biennial exhibition and awards gala, hosted since 1983 by Mount Saint Joseph University, that spotlights artworks created by talented area junior and senior high school students as selected by their art teachers. Also included in the
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