Blog Entries - October 2024

Oak Hills High School hosts Open House on October 30
Oak Hills High School invites future Highlanders and their families to its annual Open House on Wednesday October 30 from 5-7 p.m.
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October 21 Board of Education Meeting changed to October 28
DATE CHANGE: The Oak Hills Board of Education has rescheduled their October 21 meeting to Monday, October 28. The meeting will take place at 4 p.m. at the District Office, located at 6325 Rapid Run Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45233.
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Congratulations to our OHHS National Merit Commended Scholars
Oak Hills Local Schools is extremely proud to announce that OHHS seniors Emery Charles and Ben Stamper have been named National Merit Commended Students by the College Board. Fewer than 4 percent of the 1.5 million students who take the qualifying
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Information about the October 14 Safety Drill at OHHS
As part of our ongoing commitment to the safety and security of our students, staff, and schools, we will be conducting a safety drill at Oak Hills High School in partnership with local law enforcement on October 14, 2024. This drill is designed to ensure
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Tickets on sale now for Moon Over Buffalo at OHHS
Tickets are on sale now for Moon Over Buffalo, coming to the Oak Hills Drama Club stage on November 7-9.
Don't miss out on this entertaining and fun comedy! Get your tickets using the link below:

Clean Eatz OHHS Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to senior Bailey Murphy - Girls' Soccer and freshman Owen Huff - Boys' Cross Country for being named the Clean Eatz OHHS Athletes of the Week!
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to the Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Pearsyn Sweeney Girls' Golf
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Exploring 'Subjective Evidence' and Multiple Perspectives
On October 18th, AP Art and Design students embarked on their first field experience as a part of this year's Contemporary Arts Center School Outreach Program. The CAC SOP offers students from grades 2 through 12 a comprehensive, immersive experience with
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You're Invited! OHHS Marching Band Community Show Friday 11/1!
The OHHS Marching Band would like to invite the Oak Hills Community to join us for our end-of-season Community Show on Friday November 1st, 6:30pm in the OHHS Stadium! Free! The OHHS Marching Band will present in its entirety their
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Join Us for OLEA @ Creative Canvassing on 10/25/2024
The members of OLEA met in the Spring of 2021 through their participation in the Cincinnati New Music Ensemble (CNME). Inspired by the artistry, musicianship, and spirit of collaboration they saw in one another as well as their shared interest in new music,
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to the Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Alli Roman Girls' Golf
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Clean Eatz OHHS Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to senior Natalie Reed - Girls' Soccer and junior Max Rhodes - Football for being named Clean Eatz OHHS Athletes of the Week!
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Clean Eatz OHHS Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to senior Mary Blessing - Girls' Soccer and junior Bryce Korb - Boys' Cross Country for being named the Clean Eatz OHHS Athletes of the Week!
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to the Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Kaitlyn Stockman Girls' Volleyball Soph
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to the Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Eric Dew Boys' Cross Country Sr. Senior
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The 2024 Thomas More University Juried High School Exhibition participants have been announced! Congratulations to the following OHHS Art and Design students whose work was selected for the exhibition: Instructor: Jamie Schorsch Molly
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he Oak Hills HS Marching Band competed in the "Drums Along the Little Miami" MSBA Marching Band Competition at Loveland HS this past weekend, winning Reserve Grand Champion (2nd overall among all Bands regardless of class)! Please help congratulate these
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This February the 4th annual SOS ART Youth Exhibition and Events will be hosted at OHHS. For the past 4 years, National Art Honor Society students have coordinated this exhibition and event with Southwestern Ohio public and private schools, community
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Clean Eatz OHHS Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to sophomores Emma Tharp - Girls' Volleyball and Joseph Getz - Boys' Cross Country for being named Clean Eatz OHHS Athletes of the Week!
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to our Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Renee Harper Girl's Tennis
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