Blog Entries - October 2017

Art Recognition
"Selections 2017" is a biennial exhibition and awards gala, hosted since 1983, that spotlights artworks created by talented area junior and senior high school students as selected by their art teachers. Congratulations to the 2017 OHHS Art and Design students
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GMC Athletes - 2017
Congratulations to the Highlander Athletes who have been named GMC Athletes of the Week during the Fall Sports season! Your hard work, determination, and outstanding performances have been recognized by the Highlander and GMC communities! Ally Albertz Jr
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Paris, France for OHHS

September perfect attendance winners
For the month of September, we had a total of 580 students who had perfect attendance. The 16 students who received prizes for the month of September include the following: Freshmen Class of 2201: Brooke Auel, Claudia Cliffe, Abby Schmidt, and Heather
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Veterans day assembly
All Veterans are invited to join us in Thanking You for your service to our great nation! What: A student-led Veterans Day presentation to express our thanks and gratitude to Veterans for their dedication, sacrifice and service to our
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Oak Hills High School Drama club proudly presents William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, November 2, 3, and 4, 2017 at Oak Hills High School, Ione Holt auditorium, at 7 p.m. All seats are $10.00. For tickets please contact us at
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Trick or Treat
This year's Trick-or-Treat So Kids Can Eat Food Drive has been extended to November 6th. Please drop off any nonperishable canned goods to the scene shop at Oak Hills High School by November 6. These donations will be going to the Anderson ferry
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Dewey's Pizza and Feed a Highlander
Eat Pizza To Raise Funds! All students, families and friends of Oak Hills High School "Feed a Highlander" program are invited to dine on Tuesday, November 7th at Dewey's Pizza. Join us at the Dewey's Pizza at 5649 Harrison Avenue - Green Township.
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