Blog Entries - January 2020
February 25 ACT day
Dear Highlander Families: Late winter to early spring is testing season here at Oak Hills High School. While your student may participate in End-of-Course or Advanced Placement tests, this message is to inform you about the ACT, a national
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Art Possible Ohio 24th Annual Accessible Expression Exhibition
Congratulations to the Oak Hills High School students whose artwork was selected for the Art Possible Ohio, formerly known as VSA OHIO, Annual Accessible Expressions Ohio Traveling Exhibition. Anna Luken, Grade 12Ayden Hingsbergen, Grade 9 What is it all
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The 2020 Save Local Waters Rain Barrel Art Project
The Rain Barrel Art Project was created to promote the use of rain barrels throughout the Ohio River Valley area through a creative and educational medium. The Rain Barrel Art Project desires to educate people on environmental issues like stormwater runoff,
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21st Aroma's Photography Student Exhibition: Save the Date!
Since 2008, Mr. Groh has been hosting a student photography exhibition at Aroma's Java & Gelato. The exhibitions have been held twice a year, once in December and then again in May, with work from Darkroom Photography, Digital Photography, and Studio Art
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Congratulations to the Highlander athletes who were named Cincinnati Enquirer 2019 Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky high school Fall All-Stars! Div 1 Football Will Young - Honorable Mention Div 1 Girls' Tennis Mia Ziebro -
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Diamond Oaks Open House on Thursday from 5:00-7:00pm
Diamond Oaks Open House on Thursday from 5:00-7:00 pm
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The High School's Robotics team will be conducting a STEM workshop in the February that your student may be interested in. These workshops are designed and ran by the current Robotics team as a way to spread STEM interest in the district and practice
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Jimmy John's OHHS Players of the Week
Congratulations to our Jimmy John's OHHS Players of the Week!
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to our Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Alex Schmidt Jr. Boys' Swimming Alex is a multiple-sport athlete that is a true team player. Alex will compete in any
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OHHS Art and Design Student Advances to The Overture Awards Semi-Finals!
Congratulations to OHHS Art and Design student Cailee Plunkett whose portfolio of works was one of the 14 selected from the 67 Regional entries to advance to the Semi-Final Competition of The Overture Awards. Cailee will compete against the 13 other
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OHHS NHS Community Pancake Breakfast
The OHHS National Honor Society will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 2, 2020 at OHHS in the commons from 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.. The entry fee is $6 per person and donations will be accepted. *All proceeds go tot help fund our service projects. Everyone is welcome!!
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2020 Overture Awards Nominees to Participate in Regional Competition
The Overture Awards is a program that recognizes, encourages and rewards excellence in the arts among Greater Cincinnati students in grades 9-12. Its mission is to encourage arts education as an integral part of a student’s academic experience and to
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOak Hills Athletics - Winter Signing Day Weds, February 5th
Oak Hills Athletics is proud to announce our Highlander student-athletes who are committing to further their athletic and academic careers next year in college and who will be participating in our February 5th College Signing Day at
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Jimmy John's OHHS Players of the Week
Congratulations to our Jimmy John's OHHS Players of the Week!!
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
A great week of competition for our Highlander teams which means a big group of Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week! Jamie Mays Sr. Girls' Bowling Senior Jamie Mays continued to
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The High School's Robotics team will be conducting two STEM workshops in the near future . These workshops are designed and ran by the current Robotics team as a way to spread STEM interest in the district and practice their own STEM
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Canned Food Drive
Big game this week....OH vs E on Tuesday, January 21. The big winner will be the Freestore Foodbank. Ms. Brassfield's Tartan Time will be hosting a canned food drive. All donations will be given to the Freestore Foodbank to help those in need.
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Congratulations to our 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Students! Highest Honors High
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Congrats Oak Hills HS Honor Band Participants!
We would like to highlight and congratulate the 24 Oak Hills HS students selected for the 2020 O.M.E.A. District 14 High School Honor Band this year. Students were selected and placed into one of two honor bands after a rigorous live
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to our Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Reagan Asman Sr. Girls' Swimming Reagan has worked hard all year to be her best for the team. This weekend
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Congratulations to OHHS Competition Cheer Team- State Runner-Up!
On January 12, 2020, the Oak Hills Varsity Competition Cheerleading Team competed for the Ohio Athletic Committee Cheerleading State Championship in Marysville, Ohio. Led by seniors, Alyssa Roth, Maria Huth, Lexy Hutto, Kalianne Lloyd, Ashley Harsman,
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Congratulations to our Highlander artists on their record-breaking year of Scholastic Art Awards! Each year, the Alliance partners with more than 100 visual arts and literary arts organizations across the country to bring the Scholastic Awards to local
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College Credit Plus Meeting
Please join us on Wednesday, January 8 at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium to learn more about our College Credit Plus and Advanced Placement programs. All students and families are welcome to attend this important meeting about earning college credits at Oak Hills.
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to the Highlanders who were named GMC Athletes of the Week! Maria Thibodeaux Fr. Girls' Swimming Maria Thibodeaux is one of a number of talented freshmen that has committed to the most
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Jimmy John's OHHS Players of the Week
Congratulations to our Jimmy Johns' OHHS Players of the Week!
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Jimmy John's OHHS Players of the Week
Congratulations to our Jimmy John's OHHS Players of the Week!
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Highlander GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to our Highlanders named GMC Athletes of the Week! Brooke Walter Sr. Girls' Bowling In her second year as a member of the bowling team, Brooke earned a spot
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GMC Athletes of the Week
Congratulations to our Highlanders named GMC Athletes of the Week! Steven Granger Boys' Bowling Sr. Steven had the team-high 447 Series against Northwest which helped lead the team to a
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