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It is important that all children receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school
day. These procedures apply in the event that a child does not have a meal nor the funds to
purchase a meal.

Elementary Buildings and Delhi Middle School
Students may charge meal deals until the student reaches a balance of $20.00. Once a student
reaches the charge limit, the student will be offered an alternative meal. An alternative lunch
consists of a turkey sandwich/ham sandwich/cheese sandwich, a choice of vegetable, fruit, and
milk. Students who have outstanding debt, but are paying cash for their lunch, shall receive a
regular lunch even though they carry a debt. Any student with a negative balance is unable to
make a la carte purchases until the balance is paid in full.

Bridgetown Middle School, Rapid Run Middle School, Oak Hills High School
Students may charge up to $7.50.

Payment Options
Families can pay for meals using the online EZPay system. Funds added via EZPay will be
posted to student accounts throughout the day. Families can also send in cash or checks to pay
for meals. Funds can be brought directly to the cafeteria and are immediately available for use.

Collection Efforts
Families will be notified of the delinquency in the student's account on a monthly basis. Letters
will be sent home via email. At the end of the school year, any outstanding balance is added to
the student’s fees.

At the discretion of each Principal, a school or private service fund may be established to pay
for student’s charged meals, rather than to offer the alternative meal. The building Child
Nutrition Manager will work with each Principal to determine a payment schedule for these

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.