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School Board Meetings

Oak Hills Local Schools Board of Education meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and are typically held on the first Monday of each month unless otherwise indicated. Meeting agendas and summaries are also available for review. Board meeting dates are subject to change.

Board development meetings will be held at Oak Hills Administrative Office and will begin at 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise indicated.

board approval. 

2024 -25 Regular Board Meeting dates and locations: 

January 8, Oakdale Elementary School

February 5, Springmyer Elementary School

March 4, Delshire Elementary School

April 8, J.F. Dulles Elementary School

May 6, Rapid Run Middle School

June 3, Oak Hills Administrative Office

July 1, Oak Hills Administrative Office

August 5, Delhi Towne Square, 5035 Delhi Rd (location change)

September 9, Oak Hills High School

October 7, Delhi Middle School

November 4, C.O. Harrison Elementary School

December 9, Oakdale Elementary School

January 13, 2025 Springmyer Elementary School

2024 Board Development Session Meeting dates and location: 

January 22, Oak Hills Administration Office

February 12, Oak Hills Administration Office

March 11, Oak Hills Administration Office

April 22, Oak Hills Administration Office

May 20, Oak Hills Administration Office

August 19, Oak Hills Administration Office

September 23, Oak Hills Administration Office

October 28, Oak Hills Administration Office

November 18, Oak Hills Administration Office




Public Participation at Board Meetings

  • All meetings of the board and board-appointed committees are open to the public.
  • In order for the board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient fashion, a maximum of thirty minutes (maximum of 5 minutes per person) of public participation may be permitted at each regular meeting.
  • The board reserves the right to terminate abusive, profane or disruptive speech.
  • Each person addressing the board shall give his/her name and address.
  • If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted five minutes until the total time of 30 minutes is used.
  • Repetitive comments are discouraged. No person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity to do so.
  • If the board agenda allows, constituents may address the board at the end of the meeting, limit of five minutes per constituent for a total of thirty minutes.