Hall of Honor
Hall of Honor Award winners
The Hall of Honor is recognition given by the Oak Hills Board of Education. Nominees can be living or deceased and must have spent at least five years working for the betterment of children in the district. The award is presented at the annual recognition dinner for the Oak Hills Alumni & Educational Foundation.

2024 ~ Lisa Schlomer
With over 25 years of unwavering dedication to our Oak Hills family as a parent, teacher, and assistant principal, Lisa Schlomer embodies the essence of educational excellence and compassionate leadership that the Hall of Honor seeks to recognize.
From her earliest days within our district, Mrs. Schlomer has demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to caring for our students and staff. Her approach to education is marked by a profound compassion, allowing her to see each student as an individual, valuing their unique contributions and potential. This personalized approach has not only fostered a nurturing learning environment but also empowered countless students to achieve their fullest potential.
As an administrator, Lisa worked tirelessly with her staff to enhance educational resources and methodologies, ensuring that our curriculum remains both innovative and accessible. Her creative and student-centered strategies have significantly enriched the educational experiences within our district, adding depth and richness to the daily lives of our students. Lisa has a gift to instill the utmost value into the simplest of life situations making those moments more meaningful and life-giving.
Despite facing personal health challenges, Lisa's dedication has never wavered. Her resilience and
perseverance in the face of adversity are nothing short of inspirational. She has continued to show up for others, embodying the true spirit of service and community. Her toughness, coupled with a persistent and resilient nature, has made her a pillar of strength within our educational community.
Lisa is a master teacher who not only loves learning but instills that passion in others. She is a fervent advocate for students, consistently going above and beyond to ensure their success and well-being. Her ability to foster personal growth and academic achievement is exceptional.
Moreover, her life and work are guided by a deep faith, which has been a source of inspiration and
guidance for many in our community. Her love for people and commitment to serving others has left an indelible mark on our district forever.

2024 ~ Jan Hunter
Jan Hunter has devoted her energy, compassion, and knowledge to the children of the OHLSD for
the last 35 years, beginning when her children became of school age. She grew up in rural
Tennessee in a time where many students were not afforded the same opportunities as others. She
has worked in OHLSD to ensure that every student has opportunities, not just the highest achieving
students or the students that struggle. She also pushed for those typical middle of the road students that often get overlooked.
She began her service by volunteering in the schools through PTA, her children’s classrooms, and
the Nurse’s Offices to name a few. She has not only been a member of PTA for 35 years, but has
also held many positions within the PTA at the schools her children went to and serves on Oak Hills
PTA Advisory Council. She has served as President, Vice President, and Secretary. She gives her
time to volunteer for the activities through PTA like After Prom. She also serves on the Hamilton
County Council of PTA who recently awarded her with their ‘Service to Children Award’ for
outstanding commitment to and continuing advocacy for the children of Hamilton County. Her
profession was as a nurse so she offered her services when needed to help in Nurses’s Offices,
administer vaccines, and other tasks. She has volunteered at the Career Fair for many years to
share her nursing experiences with the students. She is still an active participant in the PTA.
Jan has served the district by being a member of the Board of Education since 2002, rotating
through the positions of member, Vice President and President. Being on the board can be a
thankless job, but she would put forth effort to do what was in the best interest of ALL students.
She was able to better serve the district by getting involved with the Southwest Chapter of the State of Ohio School Board, allowing her to bring ideas and best practices to OHLSD. Being on the Board allowed her the opportunity to make an impact by serving on the Strategic Planning team resulting in the construction of RRMS, building enhancements to DMS and BMS, and adding the new Academic Wing, Commons, and Auditorium to OHHS. She was able to provide support and development of community partnership projects with Delhi and Green Townships such as track/turf improvements and the new Delhi Towne square, which is going to allow space for additional preschool rooms in OHLSD and athletic usage of facilities. She also supported athletics by being a member and President of the Oak Hills Athletic Boosters.
Even though her children have been graduated for 20 years and her time on the Board has come to
an end, she still continues to participate in these activities, events, ideas mentioned in this
application. She plans to continue to do work to benefit the children of Oak Hills Local School
District. Her main focus and drive has always been the children and pursuing opportunities to serve
their best interests.

2023 ~ Kelly Weldele
As OHLSD’s Director of Food Service, Kelly Weldele has a reputation for working extremely hard, being an exceptional team member, and looking out for the interests of everyone around her. In her current position, she oversees the entire food-service process, and did so during the challenges of the pandemic. Previously, she served at District Office in the resource payroll department.
Kelly’s commitment to her community and strength of character were evident in her previous career in criminal justice, where she served as one of the first female police officers in the Delhi Township Police Department.
In addition to her professional duties, Kelly has devoted her personal time to many school and community causes, serving as secretary and treasurer of the C.O. Harrison Elementary School PTA, on the regional We Thrive committee, and currently as the dance liaison for Oak Hills dance teams. A 1996 honor graduate of Oak Hills High School, Kelly is always among the first to pitch in on any effort that will benefit Oak Hills students, staff and community. As her nomination letter so eloquently states, Kelly’s desire for success always extends to the people around her.
2022 ~ Dan Roberts
Dan, his wife and three children all graduated from Oak Hills High School. Dan served four years in the U.S. Air Force, which included two tours to Thailand and Cambodia, and Vietnam. During and after his military service, he continued his education and later became a teacher at Great Oaks Vocational Institute, where he was a classroom teacher for 23 years and an administrator until his retirement in 2007.
Dan has been known for his passion for educating and working with youth. While his three children were attending Oak Hills Local Schools, he was active in the PTA, volunteered for tax-levy campaigns and fundraisers, and kept the books for OHHS basketball games and stats for football games. He served as president of the C.O. Harrison PTA in 1984-85.
Dan coached basketball in the boys' and girls' Oak Hills Jr. Pro program for 10 years before becoming the Oak Hills eighth-grade boys basketball coach at Delhi Middle School and then moved to Rapid Run Middle School, where he coached for 34 years. During those years he touched many young lives, and enjoyed coaching his own son and grandson as well as multiple generations of many local families. He was a teacher, coach, friend and mentor to many, and made sure that his players had fun while learning. His famous "Overnights" are warmly remembered, where players spent the night at school playing, bonding and just being together. The players and their families also enjoyed the end-of-the-season family parties, where Dan had a fun gift for each player, capturing a memory from the season. Dan also coached high-school baseball for 34 years, at Oak Hills, Walnut HIlls, Purcell Marian, Northwest and Harrison high schools, and founded the Merchants Baseball Operation in the 1980s.
In 2020, Dan was inducted into the Price Hills Old Timers Baseball Hall of Fame and later served on the organization's board.
2022 ~ Luann Ulrich
Luann was a very active and supportive OHLSD parent and volunteer, serving as a member of the Springmyer Elementary School PTA for 12 years, of the Bridgetown Middle School PTA for five years, and of the Oak Hills High School PTA for 10 years. She served as president and treasurer of both the Springmyer and BMS PTAs, and worked with the OHHS After Prom for many years. She also served as a committee member and treasurer for the One Hope, One Heart annual community fundraising event that supports local families facing great hardship.
Luann was known as a great collaborator and problem-solver who always put the needs of students first, and always supported Oak Hills Local Schools in any way she could. She listened to the needs of district teachers and administrators, and brought enthusiasm, a loving nature and a friendly and easygoing manner to everything she did.
2021 ~ Earl Conklin
Earl was known as a great ambassador for Oak Hills Local Schools. He was a tremendous supporter of the district and proud parent of three Oak Hills graduates. One of his many contributions was his support for the refurbishment of the memorial fountain at Oak Hills High School. After its rededication, Earl volunteered to keep the fountain and surrounding grounds in good repair and often stopped by OHHS to check on things and make sure the American and Oak Hills flags he had provided were in excellent shape. As he told the Cincinnati Enquirer in a Hometown Heroes article, "We're just trying to make it a nice place for students. . . We're trying to get it where it will be very pleasing for them and a place they can enjoy."
In 2010, Earl became a member of the Oak Hills Alumni & Educational Foundation and later on the board, where he served on the grant committee, worked and played at the OHAEF golf outing, working at the Homecoming tent, and anywhere else he was needed. In a beautiful act of legacy, Earl established a scholarship fund to annually recognize and support a graduating OHHS senior.
2021 ~ Heather McGowan
For 25 years, Heather was the backbone of the well-known and well-loved Oak Hills Oakettes dance team. She served as coach, choreographer, director, role model, finance director, operations manager and mother figure for what was both her passion and a year-round commitment. The Oakettes participate in all seasons of sport, practicing in the summer, performing in the fall at football games and in winter at basketball games, and taking part in dance competitions in the spring. Heather's work was year-round, as she prepared the Oakettes for the next event or competition, oversaw fundraisers and communicated with parents, the district and the community.
Throughout her 25 years with the Oakettes, Heather coached her teams to more than 20 state or national championships. In 2000, she and her coaching staff were named Coach/Director of the Year by Showcase America Unlimited, and shortly after she was named Coach of the Year by Ameridance. In 2018, more than 500 Oakette alumnae attended a 60th anniversary celebration of the Oakettes, a tribute to an irreplaceable Oak Hills tradition. Heather McGowan's role in keeping that tradition alive and relevant cannot be overstated.
2020 ~ Frank Shaut
Frank was a standout athlete in high school and college, earning honors as the high school state wrestling champion in his home state of New York, playing football at the University of Cincinnati, helping to start the wrestling program at UC and posting a 58-3 record as a member of the wrestling team. He is a member of the University of Cincinnati's Athletic Hall of Fame.
After college, he joined the Oak Hills High School staff as a physical education and health teacher, and also served as head wrestling coach, assistant football coach and assistant athletic director. During his nine years as head wrestling

2019 ~ Linus & Jill Ryland
For Linus, it began watching his parents serve in several community organizations and then all of their work at Miami University. For Jill, it began watching her parents work magazine drives, volunteer at the school library and on field trips and coaching her sports teams at St. Antoninus. Both Linus (’84) and Jill (’87) were very involved when they attended Oak Hills High School – band, orchestra, musicals, track, Varsity O, AV dept, clubs and cheering on the various teams and activities with lots of school spirit! They knew they wanted their family to have the same experiences.
Linus graduated from Miami University (’87) in Systems Analysis starting at Arthur Anderson and then P&G and Hewlett Packard. Jill graduated from the University of Cincinnati DAAP (’92) in Graphic Design starting at The Drackett Co and then freelancing for LPK and Kenner. The two recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary and have four incredible kids: Hayes (’11 OHHS, ’16 UC DAAP Industrial Design), Oscar (’14 OHHS, ’18 MU Finance, Accounting & Statistics), Libbey (’17 OHHS, currently at UC in Medical Laboratory Science), and Sabrina (’20 - OHHS).
Shortly after they married, the volunteering and service projects naturally kicked off. Linus put in many hours with the American Lung Association and they fostered their first service dog, Mandy, in 1991. After the birth of their first son, they knew the clock was ticking to get roots set in the Oak Hills School District before he started Kindergarten. He started at JF Dulles in the fall of 1998 – and so did Jill as PTA room parent. The next year, Linus and Jill took on an additional PTA role with the Hospitality Committee and it all snowballed from there! Numerous PTA committees, executive boards and Presidencies, parliamentarian, newsletters, school banking, school supplies, Winter Wonderlands, church festivals, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, American Heritage Girls, FLL Robotics, T-ball, softball, basketball, VBS, bands, copies, After Proms, Finance & Audit committees, PTA Advisory, theatres and Majorettes… and service dogs.
The best part – working together, drawing on each other’s strength, learning new things all while helping others, meeting great people, and being an example to their kids. They often refer to their projects as being done by ‘Team Ryland.' Always with kids in tow, it’s been great to teach them what it takes to hold an event or provide an activity for others – from the planning ahead, to the setup, through running it, and the part most often forgot – the cleanup and wrap up. The hope is, if Team Ryland isn't already involved, they will show appreciation to those who made something possible. Most of all, they want their kids to know that if they see a need or want that isn’t already there – go get it started.
Watch the Ryland's video here.
2019 ~ Wil Rutenschroer
Wil Rutenschroer is an iconic pioneer in the formation of the Oak Hills Local School District. Born in 1933, Wil attended Elder High School and the Ohio State University and was a standout baseball pitcher on both levels. In the 1950s, Wil taught and coached several sports at the former Terrace Park High School.
He came to the newly-organized Oak Hills School District as a teacher in 1957, and was the district's first Athletic Director, as well as the first football, baseball and track coach. Besides teaching and coaching, Wil could be seen driving a district school bus, as well as fertilizing and grooming the athletic fields.
His focus became football and his overall record was 146-62-9 over 20 years. He coached the Highlanders to seven league championships and two city championships. He was a seven-time Hamilton County League Coach of the Year. In 1963, he coached the only Highlander football team to go undefeated, in just their fifth year of competition. In 1989 he was inducted into the Ohio State Football Coaches Hall of Fame. He was elected to the Price Hill Oldtimer's Baseball Hall of Fame in 2005. After coaching, he became a baseball scout for the Kansas City Royals and was selected as the Topp's National Scout of the year.
Wil set an example for his students, players, colleagues and community to follow.

2018 ~ Garry "Spud" Hornsby
In 1998 Garry retired after 38 years as a chemical lab supervisor. He always enjoyed working with kids so took a job with Oak Hills Local School District to keep himself busy and stay young by being around the kids. He likes to say it, “pays for my gas and groceries!" He has now been with the district for 12 years, with his most recent position at the high school as a hall monitor.
Hornsby began coaching basketball in 1978 about the time Oak Hills Jr. Pro was established and has been a head coach or assistant in the program for over 40 years. He began officiating basketball about the same time and has been an OHSAA licensed official off and on for about that many years. He had to quit in the late 90s for about five years for double knee replacements. His doctor said he would never referee again, but he proved him wrong. He has been the referee assigner and an official for the OHYA basketball program. Most recently he began officiating at games where the players are grandchildren of some of the players he has coached and refereed in years past!
Hornsby started coaching baseball in 1980 and has coached for the Delhi Merchants, Cincinnati Color, Oak Hills High School JV, St. Xavier High School Freshman and JV and JB Yeager Baseball either as an assistant or a head coach. As a coach, he runs into former players whose children are on the ball field today. "I always enjoy seeing former players from both sports who stop me to chat and talk about their memories with Coach Spud," he shared.
He has been a member of Springdale Church of the Nazarene Worship Choir for 18 years and also participated in a traveling worship choir for a number of years. He was blessed with two beautiful daughters who carry on his enthusiasm for working and volunteering in the Oak Hills Local School District. They, in turn, have given him five grandsons who he has coached through various sports and watched with pride as they do what they love……whether it be sports or drama and music.
"I am a blessed man! I take pride in our school district and I enjoy working to make it one of the best."

2017 ~ David UpChurch
David graduated from Northern Kentucky University in 1975 and began his teaching career at Oak Hills High School. He went on to teach at Delhi Jr. High and earn his Master’s degree in administration from Xavier University. During his years of teaching, he also coached football and basketball.
David began his administrative role at Bridgetown Jr. High where he served as both assistant and building principal. He was selected to become the first principal at Rapid Run Middle School, where he retired after 30 years with Oak Hills. David went on to serve in various administrative positions with the Newport School district in Northern Kentucky until 2012.
Between 2012 and 2016 David enjoyed traveling, fishing, golfing and became actively involved in the North Bend Lodge. After becoming a Master Mason, David served the lodge and the community in a leadership role where he organized various charitable events. Even though he thoroughly enjoyed his retirement, he always had a calling to work in the field of education and came back to Oak Hills for the start of the 2016-2017 school year as human resources director.
David’s family is comforted in knowing that his legacy will live on. Watch David's video

2016 ~ Mindy Murphy '89
A 1989 Oak Hills High School graduate, Mindy attended J.F. Dulles Elementary School. She has been married to her high school sweetheart, Ron Murphy ‘89, for 21 years. They are proud parents to three boys in the Oak Hills School District Tyler (16) class of 2018, Tanner (15) class of 2020 and Trenton (10) class of 2024.
Mindy spends much of her time in the district volunteering in several capacities in multiple buildings. She served as the Oak Hills levy chairman in 2013. She has been a member of the J.F. Dulles PTA Board since 2007 participating on a variety of committees including: Spirit, Proficiency Breakfast, OH Fashion Show, One Hope, One Heart and 5th Grade Farewell (2011 and 2013). She has been a J.F. Dulles room parent volunteer since 2005-present, Book Fair volunteer, \lunchroom volunteer, weekly copy mom and vision/hearing test volunteer.
Mindy served as the Rapid Run PTA Board 3rd Vice President from 2013-2015. She was also on the following board committees: Flings, Dances, 8th Grade Day Celebration and After Prom. She is currently the 2016 Chair for the 8th Grade Day Celebration. She also served as a Revue group mentor 2014-2016
From 2014-16 Mindy worked for Oak Hills youth basketball as a tournament volunteer scheduler. At the high school since 2014, she has been involved with the homecoming dance, Booster Bash and basketball concessions volunteer. She will also be joining the Oak Hills High School PTA Board 2016-2017 as the Chair of PTA Ladies Fashion Show Auction/ Fundraiser.

2016 ~ Bob Sehlhorst
Bob Sehlhorst graduated from Miami University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Comprehensive Social Studies and he received his Master’s Degree as a Reading Specialist from Xavier University and later went on to earn certification in education administration. Bob served the students and families of Oak Hills School District for 31 years as a Delhi Jr. High history teacher, coach, athletic director, and assistant principal. In addition to those roles he served as principal at J.F. Dulles Elementary and Rapid Run Middle and he retired in 2015 from Oak Hills as Assistant Superintendent. Through his leadership and collaboration with colleagues, Bob was instrumental in leading buildings and the district to earn high academic achievement. He helped to lead the charge in promoting world languages and infusing a global perspective to educational programs at all levels. Bob continues to stay involved in education as the Vice President of Ohio Middle Level Association and as an adjunct professor at Xavier University. Bob is also a member of the Leadership Board for Ohio Schools To Watch.
Bob’s wife Tina is a passionate and popular second grade teacher at C.O. Harrison Elementary and all three of his children, Bridget, Eric and Alex graduated from Oak Hills High School. Since his retirement from Oak Hills he was elected to the OTR Community Council Board of Trustees and he started his own property development business, OTR Metropolis LTD, and he provides historical and architectural walking tours of St. Mary’s Church and Over-the-Rhine.

2014 ~ Judy Hoehn '69
Judy has been involved in the Oak Hills Local School District as a student, teacher and parent for over 50 years. While attending Oak Hills, she was involved in sports as well as many other clubs and activities, and was given the “All Around Girl” award in 1969. She then went to the University of Cincinnati, where she majored in Health and Physical Education. She played two years of basketball and volleyball, and in 1973 was awarded the “C Ring” for most outstanding senior woman.
Judy began her teaching career in 1973 at Delshire Elementary, and in the next 41 years also taught at Oakdale, C.O. Harrison, Bridgetown and Oak Hills High School and is finishing her career this year at Rapid Run Middle School where she was named Educator of the Year for 2014. She is currently the JV girls golf coach at Oak Hills. As well as teaching young people during the day, Judy also taught fitness and aerobic classes after school hours at Western Sports Mall and Paramount Gym for 30 years. Her interest in fitness led her to establish an elective aerobic class for juniors and seniors at Oak Hills, and along with teachers Jennifer Heidorn and Dick Roche changed the focus of the Physical Education program to one of lifelong fitness.
Judy resides in Bridgetown with her husband David. They have four children Rachel ‘93, Bo ‘96, Tyler ‘09 and Richard Lavernier, St. Xavier ‘09, who became part of their family when he was in high school. Judy also has three beautiful grandchildren Olivia, Nicholas and Kendall.

2013 ~ Jan Wilking '89
Since Jan Wilking began serving as the Oak Hills Local School District’s Athletic Director nine years ago, Oak Hills has won 21 conference titles, five district championships, two regional championships and 7 teams have qualified for state finals. In addition to Oak Hills’ on the field success, she has been focused on athletic facility upgrades in the district, resulting in Oak Hills High School being a stronger force in the Greater Miami Conference. She had spearheaded
fundraising efforts that have totaled almost $2 million dollars over the course of three years.
In 2008, Jan was awarded the Ohio Athletic Director Horizon Award. In 2009, she earned her Certified Athletic Administrator (CAA) Certificate from the National Federation of High School Sports. Jan currently serves as on the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) Southwest District Board and Diversity Committee. She also serves as Vice President of the Greater Miami
Conference and is an instructor for the OHSAA Coaches Fundamental Course throughout the state.
In addition to serving as Athletic Director, Jan organizes the Oak Hills “Champions For Life” program. This program works with student athletes within the Oak Hills district to tackle student leadership issues and promotes positive decision-making both academically and socially. Oak Hills earned the OHSAA Harold C. Meyer Sportsmanship Award in 2008 and again in 2011.
Jan is a 1989 graduate of Oak Hills High School and a 1993 graduate of the University of Charleston, where she was a four-year scholarship basketball player. Jan currently resides in Green Township with her husband, Tim. They have two children, Max and Emma, who attend Springmyer Elementary School.

2012 ~ LaVella "Lovey" Schoch
Lovey Schoch, cafeteria manager at Delshire for 25 years, is one of the kindest and most selfless people you will meet. The students and staff at Delhi Middle School and Oak Hills High School
would also agree.
Lovey says “kids” are her hobby, anything that has to do with kids. She was often found
playing baseball, mat ball and dodge ball with Delshire students after school. Laughing, she’d
say “If you hit me with the ball, I’m not making cookies anymore.” Lovey had a passion for her
students and for the work she did. Creating special connections with each and every child was important to her.
Lovey retired in May 2011, and her best memories are all of the hugs and kisses she received from her students. She still gets those hugs when she runs into former students in her community. They tell her they’ll always remember her kindness.
“There’s no greater place to be than with all of those kids, I’ll tell you. No matter what they are or what they do. Some of our families had money some didn’t, and we had all the ones in between. The kids all just went together. They didn’t care. And, the Delshire staff is unbelievable.”
Lovey’s four children all graduated from Oak Hills. In her retirement she enjoys spending time with them and her seven grandchildren.

2011 ~ Ed Eckel
In 1973 Mr. Eckel gave administration a try when he became assistant principal at Bridgetown Junior High. A few years later in 1978, he left Oak Hills to accept the assistant principal position at Indian Hill High School. A year later he returned to Oak Hills to become associate principal at Oak Hills High School, a position he held until 1984 when he was appointed head principal. He retired in 1989.
Mr. Eckel was a Cincinnati native, who graduated from Western Hills High School. He earned a B.A. in economics with minors in mathematics, political science and German from the University of Cincinnati in 1960, and earned a M.Ed. in Secondary School Administration in 1969.
Following a successful career in primary and secondary education, Mr. Eckel continued to serve in the field as Executive Director of Admission at the College of Mount St. Joseph from 1989-2001. He passed away in 2008.
Throughout his tenure in education, he also taught school administration courses and student teacher seminar classes at Xavier University. He lectured on economics and the stock market through the Greater Cincinnati Center for Economic Education at the University of Cincinnati. He presented for the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the National Association for College Admission Counseling, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Mr. Eckel also developed “On Choosing or Being Chosen by a College,” a presentation about the college application and admission process for high school students and their parents. He presented this more than 100 times to a total audience of more than 15,000.
Throughout his more than 42 years as an educator, Ed Eckel’s leadership touched many lives and inspired and supported the accomplishments of many individuals, groups, classes, teams, clubs, departments, organizations and schools. Along the way, he received such honors as Educator of the Year from the Oak Hills Local School District; Outstanding Young Educator by the Western Hills Jaycees; Teachers Touch Lives from the Ohio Education Association; Exemplary Educator by the Greater Cincinnati Center for Economic Education; Award of Honor by the National School Public Relations Association; named Honorary Admissions Counselor by the United States Naval Academy; and received The Maroon Award of Western Hills High School, which recognizes lifetime service of distinguished alumni.
As noted by his colleagues, “No one was more committed to the students, to quality education, or to preparing students for the future.”