Right At School
Looking for before or after school care this school year? Check out Right at School. They are located here at Delshire and provide a safe, comfortable and fun place for children.
Find out more information about pricing and availability for your child's school by visiting one of the below links:
C.O. Harrison Elementary: https://rightatschool.com/co-harrison-elementary/
Delshire Elementary School: https://rightatschool.com/delshire-elementary/
J.F. Dulles Elementary: https://rightatschool.com/jf-dulles-elementary/
Oakdale Elementary: https://rightatschool.com/oakdale-elementary/
Springmyer Elementary: https://rightatschool.com/springmyer-elementary/
There are also have a limited number of spaces in all of their programs for families receiving publicly funded childcare (also known as vouchers).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Right At School's local Area Manager, Christy Walker at 740-853-3675 or via e-mail at [email protected].