Application for Free or Reduced School Meals
Public Release 2024-2025
How to apply:
You can complete the free or reduced-price school meal application online or with a paper application. We accept free or reduced-price school meal applications for students who attend the following buildings:
- Delhi Middle School
- C.O. Harrison Elementary School
- Delshire Elementary School
- J.F. Dulles Elementary School
- Oakdale Elementary School
- Springmyer Elementary School
The eligibility income guidelines are updated annually by the USDA. Income guidelines can be found here.
Your online application will be sent directly to the Child Nutrition office from a secure website. This is the quickest and easiest way to complete an application.
Electronic Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Lunch Application 2024-2025
If you prefer to print and complete the application, please download the application here:
Paper Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Lunch Application 2024-2025
Translated applications for families with limited English proficiency can be found here:
USDA Free and Reduced Meal Application Translations
If you need meal assistance for students attending Oak Hills High School, Bridgetown Middle School or Rapid Run Middle School, please contact your school directly.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.