J.F. Dulles student raises a school record amount for American Heart Association

BMS Destination Imagination Team heads to the state tournament March 29
Congratulations to the Bridgetown Middle School Destination Imagination team for earning FIRST PLACE in Fine Arts at the Southwest Regional Destination Imagination Tournament. Their hard work and creativity paid off, and they will be moving on to the
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Open House for incoming Kindergarten students on March 26
Oak Hills Local School District is hosting a Kindergarten Open House on Wednesday, March 26 at our five elementary schools for all incoming kindergarten students who are planning to attend OHLSD next school year.
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OHLSD celebrates Youth Art Month on March 22

Men's Bowling advances to OHSAA State Tournament on March 8
Congratulations to the Oak Hills High School Men's Bowling team on their 4th Place finish at the OHSAA District Championship held on February 27. The top four finish punches their ticket to state tournament for third time in four
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Kindergarten Registration is open for 2025-26 school year
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year is now open for students residing in the Oak Hills Local School District. We have moved to an online process and you can get the registration link on our website at ohlsd.us and clicking on the
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Women's Bowling wins the GMC League Championship
Congratulations to the Oak Hills High School Women's Bowling squad, who captured the GMC title this week! The team had a perfect 9-0 record in league play and hosts the GMC Conference Clash on Saturday, February 15 at Western Bowl beginning at 8:30 a.m.
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14th Annual One Hope, One Heart takes place Friday, March 14

BMS presents Disneys 'Newsies Jr.' March 7-8

OHLSD PTA Global Fair coming March 8
Save the Date for the Global Fair sponsored by the OHLSD PTAs!
Everyone is invited to this event that takes place at Oak Hills High School on Saturday, March 8 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
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Class of 2029 High School Registration Information Session on January 29
Oak Hills High School will host a Virtual Registration Information Session for all current eighth grade students and their families on Wednesday, January 29 from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Another record number of OHHS students honored at the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards

RRMS presents 'Frozen Jr.' on January 23-25
Rapid Run Middle School proudly presents Disney's 'Frozen Jr.' with performances on January 23-25.
Tickets are $10. Click HERE to purchase your tickets for this amazing show. All showtimes are at 7 p.m.
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OHHS to host College Credit Plus Informational Virtual Meeting on January 16
Oak Hills High School will hold a virtual College Credit Plus Informational Night for students in grades 7-12 on Thursday, January 16 at 6:30 p.m. This annual informational meeting for the CCP program will be a virtual session, accessible through Google
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OHLSD closed on Friday, January 10 due to inclement weather
Due to the inclement weather, Oak Hills Local Schools will be closed on Friday, January 10. Please stay safe and warm.
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